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Maki Commands

Discover the full list of Maki commands with this guide. Easily navigate through the Maki Bot commands list and find the perfect one for your needs.

View Maki Discord Bot

Here are the Commands for Maki Bot:
  • /protection - ⭐ Let Maki protect your server against raiders and bots.
  • /inspire - Display an inspirational quote generated by an AI.
  • /profile user - Check your profile or the profile of someone else.
  • /rank user - Check your rank or the rank of someone else.
  • /leaderboard type - Display the server leaderboard.
  • /global user - Check your global level and experience.
  • /rep user - Give a reputation point to someone.
  • /time user - Shows how long you have been in voice chat.
  • /edit profile - Edit your profile background.
  • /edit rank - Edit your rank background.
  • /edit information description - Edit your personal information.
  • /levels add user level - Give levels to a user.
  • /levels set user level - Change the level of a user to a specific value.
  • /levels remove user level - Remove levels from a user.
  • /levels leaderboards - ⭐ Send the live leaderboards in a channel.
  • /levels transfer role level - Give everyone with a specific role a certain level.
  • /movie title - Search for a movie and get more information about it.
  • /youtube channel channel - Youtube channel information.
  • /youtube video video - Youtube video information.
  • /twitter user - Show information about a Twitter user.
  • /reddit user user - Search a user on Reddit.
  • /reddit subreddit subreddit - Get more information about a subreddit.
  • /reddit random - Get a random subreddit suggestion.
  • /meme - Show a random meme.
  • /economy add user amount - Add money to the balance of a user.
  • /economy set user amount - Change the balance of a user to a specific value.
  • /economy remove user amount - Remove money from the balance of a user.
  • /steal user - Steal money from someone.
  • /give user amount - Give money to someone.
  • /streak user - Check your current daily streak.
  • /balance user - Shows your balance or check the balance of someone else.
  • /daily - Claim your daily reward.
  • /buy role - Buy a role with your money.
  • /cups cup bet - Pick the cup that is hiding the coin. Choose 1, 2, 3, or 4.
  • /coin choice bet - Bet on heads or tails.
  • /allin multiplier - All or nothing, your chance depends on the multiplier.
  • /blackjack bet - Play a game of blackjack.
  • /fish - Throw out a line and see if you catch something.
  • /slots bet - ⭐ Spin the slot machine.
  • /connect - Let Maki connect to a voice channel.
  • /play query - Play a song or add one to the queue.
  • /pause - ⭐ Pause the music.
  • /resume - ⭐ Resume the music.
  • /skip - Skip the current song.
  • /forward seconds - Fast forward the current song by a specified amount.
  • /rewind seconds - Rewind the current song by a specified amount of seconds.
  • /repeat - Let Maki loop the current queue.
  • /stop - Let Maki clear the queue and disconnect.
  • /volume vol - ⭐ Change the volume of the music.
  • /shuffle - ⭐ Shuffle the queued songs.
  • /queue - Display the queued songs.
  • /playing - Check what song is currently playing.
  • /welcome - Get a preview of the welcome messages.
  • /statistics - ⭐ See how your server is doing by tracking statistics.
  • /slap user - Slap someone.
  • /pat user - Give someone a pat.
  • /kiss user - Give someone a kiss.
  • /hug user - Hug someone.
  • /cuddle user - Cuddle with someone.
  • /poke user - Poke someone and hope you don't start a poke war.
  • /highfive user - Give someone a high five.
  • /tickle user - Tickle someone.
  • /bite user - Bite someone.
  • /reset levels - Reset everyone's level.
  • /reset money - Reset everyone's money.
  • /reset reputation - Reset everyone's reputation.
  • /reset time - Reset everyone's voice chat time.
  • /reset settings - Reset all server settings.
  • /reset user user - Reset the data of a specific user.
  • /reset leavers - Reset the data of everyone that has left the server.
  • /reminder time reminder - Let Maki remind you of something. Make sure Maki can message you.
  • /osu user - ⭐ Osu! statistics and information.
  • /shorten short url - ⭐ Create a short link for a longer url.
  • /wouldyourather - Answer a would you rather question with your friends.
  • /ping - Check the bot's response time.
  • /premium - Check the Premium status of your server.
  • /language - Change the language of the bot.
  • /say message attachment - Let Maki send a message.
  • /ship one two - Let Maki define relationships.
  • /afk message - Set an afk message to let people who ping you know what you're up to.
  • /avatar user - Get someone's avatar and the url.
  • /user user - Get information about a user. Avatar, age, ID, ...
  • /server - Get information about your server. Icon, owner, members, ID, ...
  • /channel channel - Get information about a channel. Visibility, creation date, ...
  • /emoji emoji - Get all information about an emoji in the server.
  • /role role - Get information about a role. Color, ID, ...
  • /invite invite - ⭐ Get information about a role. Color, ID, ...
  • /invites user - ⭐ Get info about all invites a user made.
  • /anime anime - Searches for an anime.
  • /manga manga - Searches for manga.
  • /character character - ⭐ Searches for a character from anime or manga.
  • /dashboard - Get a direct link to your dashboard.
  • /help - I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help!
  • /support - Get an invite to the support server or read the documentation.
  • /commands - A full list of commands that Maki has!
  • /suggestions accept suggestion reason - Accept a suggestion.
  • /suggestions deny suggestion reason - Deny a suggestion.
  • /suggest suggestion - Submit a server suggestion.
  • /steam user user - ⭐ Get a user's information by name or Steam ID.
  • /steam game app - ⭐ Search for a game by name or Steam ID.