Martine Commands
Discover the full list of Martine commands with this guide. Easily navigate through the Martine Bot commands list and find the perfect one for your needs.
View Martine Discord Bot
Here are the Commands for Martine Bot:
- , or /image category - Get a random image of anything.
- , or /roleplay interaction-type member - Interact with other members.
- , or /ship member1 member2 - Shows the love percentage between two persons.
- , or /ping - Shows the latency estimation of the bot (for the current cluster).
- , or /info user user - Shows information about a user.
- , or /info server - Shows information about the server, members badges, and assets.
- , or /info channel channel - Shows information about a channel. Default to current.
- , or /info role role - Shows information about a role.
- , or /info emoji emoji - Shows information about a emoji.
- , or /info bot clusters - Shows clusters stats.
- , or /info bot currentcluster - Shows infos about the current cluster.
- , or /martine - Get all informations about Martine.
- , or /help - Get the list of commands and important links.
- , or /profile member - Shows your profile or the one of another member.
- , or /lvltop - Shows top 10 of levels of this server.
- , or /reptop - Shows top 10 of rep of this server.
- , or /rep member - Give a reputation point to a member of this server.
- , or /lvlset show - Shows the current settings of this server.
- , or /lvlset toggle - Enable/disable leveling in this server.
- , or /lvlset setlvl level member - Set manually the level of a member.
- , or /lvlset resetrep member - Reset reputation points of a selected member.
- , or /lvlset resetlvl member - Reset level and exp of a selected member.
- , or /lvlset resetrepall - Reset reputation points of all stored members.
- , or /lvlset resetlvlall - Reset level and exp of all stored members.
- , or /lvlset roles mode - Set if members will only have the higher role reward, or if it will be cumulative.
- , or /lvlset roles add level role - Adds a reward role.
- , or /lvlset roles remove level - Removes a reward role.
- , or /lvlset lvlup destination destination - Set the destination of level up messages.
- , or /lvlset lvlup message message - Set the level up message.
- , or /lvlset exp rate rate - Set the exp rate/multiplier. From 0.1 to 5.0. Default to 1.0.
- , or /lvlset exp message minimum maximum - Set how much exp will be given for a message sent.
- , or /lvlset exp cooldown cooldown - [Server Premium Silver] Set the exp cooldown in seconds. Default is 60.
- , or /lvlset exp msglength length - [Server Premium Silver] Set minimum message length for exp gain. Default is 20.
- , or /lvlset ignore addchannel channel - Add a channel where members will not get exp.
- , or /lvlset ignore rmchannel channel - Remove an ignored channel.
- , or /lvlset ignore addrole role - Add a role where members will not get exp.
- , or /lvlset ignore rmrole role - Remove an ignored role.
- , or /lvlset rep cooldown cooldown - Set the rep cooldown in seconds. Default is 5 minutes (300s).
- , or /lvlset rep mention - Set wether or not the rep member will be mentionned.
- , or /profileset show - Shows your current profile settings.
- , or /profileset background - View available profile backgrounds, and change it.
- , or /profileset color color - Set the secondary color.
- , or /profileset description description - Change your description. Reset by don't providing a description.
- , or /profileset resetrep - Reset your reputation points.
- , or /giveaway create use-config - Create a giveaway.
- , or /giveaway edit message - Edit a currently ongoing giveaway.
- , or /giveaway end message - Ends a giveaway early. Message can be a jump url, or ID of the giveaway message.
- , or /giveaway reroll message count - Re-roll a giveaway. Message can be a jump url, or ID of the giveaway message.
- , or /giveaway list - List the running giveaways in that server.
- , or /giveaway config show - Shows the current giveaway settings of this server.
- , or /giveaway config resetall - Reset all settings.
- , or /giveaway config channel channel - Sets the channel where giveaways will run. Don't specify to reset.
- , or /giveaway config host user - Set the default host/author. Don't specify to reset.
- , or /giveaway config emoji emoji - Set the default reaction emoji. Don't specify to reset.
- , or /giveaway config joindays days - Set the default requirement for number of days required to be in the server to join the giveaway.
- , or /giveaway config roles roles - Set the default roles requirement. Don't specify to reset the requirement.
- , or /giveaway config winners winners - Set the default number of winners. Don't specify to reset the requirement.
- , or /giveaway config bypassrole role - Set the default bypass role. Use without value to reset.
- , or /nsfw category private - Get nsfw images of many categories! (Only works in NSFW channels)
- , or /nsfwbomb amount category - Send multiple Nsfw images in one command between an interval of 2 seconds.
- , or /autoporn - Setup autoporn in this channel, and see the status of it on this server.
- , or /roleplayset resetall - Reset all your actions count. This **cannot** be reversed when done.
- , or /roleplayset reset action - Reset the count of a selected action. This **cannot** be reversed when done.
- , or /roleplaycount member - List all your actions count or those of an other member.
- , or /translate text to_language text - Translate messages with Google Translate
- , or /translate set react - Toggle translations to flag emoji reactions
- , or /translate set flag - Toggle translations with flag emojis in text
- , or /translate stats guild_id - Shows translation usage
- , or /stickeradd message - Add a sticker to this server.
- , or /stickerdelete - Remove a sticker from server.
- , or /invite - Sends the invitation link of the bot, and some other important links.
- , or /nsfwchannel - Sends instructions on how to setup an NSFW channel.
- , or /vote - Sends the links to upvote Martine on bot lists.
- , or /selfblock - Add yourself to the bot's blocklist, to opt out from data collection.
- , or /premium - Check your Premium status and the one of this server.
- , or /premiumclaim - Claim your Premium rewards.
- , or /valorantstats riotid-and-tag - Get Valorant stats of a provided riotid#tag.
- , or /lolstats masteries region summoner - Get LoL masteries of a summoner.
- , or /lolstats matches region summoner - Get latest LoL matches of a summoner.
- , or /lolstats currentgame region summoner - Get current game status of a summoner.
- , or /lolrotation - Get this week's free champions rotation.
- , or /fortnite stats player platform - Get stats of a Fortnite player.
- , or /fortnite news - Get latest Fortnite news.
- , or /fortnite map - Get current Fortnite map with points of interest.
- , or /osu player - Get a profile card osu! containing stats of a provided player.
- , or /rlstats player-id - Shows Rocket League stats in competitive playlists for you or given player.
- , or /rlsports player-id - Shows Rocket League stats in extra modes playlists for you or given player.
- , or /cookie - Get your daily dose of cookies.
- , or /cookiesteal target - Steal cookies from members.
- , or /cgift target amount - Gift someone some yummy cookies.
- , or /cookies target - Check how many cookies you have.
- , or /cookieleaderboard - Display the server's cookie leaderboard.
- , or /cookiesconfig amount amount - Set the amount of cookies members can obtain.
- , or /cookiesconfig cooldown seconds - Set the cooldown for `[p]cookie`.
- , or /cookiesconfig stealcooldown seconds - Set the cooldown for `[p]csteal`.
- , or /cookiesconfig csteal value - Toggle cookie stealing for current server.
- , or /cookiesconfig set target amount - Set someone's amount of cookies.
- , or /cookiesconfig add target amount - Add cookies to someone.
- , or /cookiesconfig take target amount - Take cookies away from someone.
- , or /cookiesconfig reset confirmation - Delete all cookies from all members.