We are constantly updating the bot and developing on it, the bot may have some messed up uptimes. However we will be adding almost daily features. The main prefix for the bot is “m/”, in the future custom guild prefixes will be enabled! When you mention the bot it returns a message telling you to try m/help, this is done so that new members know how to use the bot!
Im planning on adding some things in the feature, i will frequently edit this page for progress. Im planning on adding economy. This will be a coin based system involving random coins per message / robbing. This feature will be available in the next 2 weeks.
Also the guild prefix is on my list of things to add!
If you want anything added to the bot? Dm me on Discord or join the support server! You can submit the command there and the team will review it!
Logging | Ban | Kick | Lockdown | Mute | Purge | Report | Warn | Warns
Avatar | Invite | Server | Setup | User
Changelog | Ping | Stats | Uptime
Cat | Dog | Hug | Kiss | Smack | Meme