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Metro™ Created in 2021 by J.C#1001 and MARLITS#6969 !

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Metro™ bot is made by J.C#1001 & MARLITS#6969! Our main target is, to make the bot verified and let other people have fun while using it! We ensure that users are safe while using our bot. Metro™ was created on 20-07-2021. We have a lot of commands, all of them are useful for community & esports servers! If any help is needed, join our discord server by clicking on the Discord Server Link!

Metro™ bot is designed to prevent raids by having lockdown command! It has other commands such as: Fun, Moderation, Utils, Information and more! To use the lockdown command correctly, you have to turn off the permission “send messages” on member-community role and turn on the permission “send messages” to the everyone role. For more features, check the website and by clicking the button “commands”!

Website: https://metro-official-website.bubbleapps.io/version-test
Discord server: https://discord.gg/b5rB27Br9M

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.