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MineLess is a free french bot, who can give you all infos about minecraft's commands, some music lears, Minecraft Status, user's skin ...

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What is MineLess ?

MineLess is a free, a french bot of Minecraft commands info, and more soon !

MineLess is free, and there is no free lags (yet)!

Commands :
Command Description
/cmd or /cmb or @Mineless#4778 Send all commands
/cmd or /cmb + [minecraft command] Send info about the minecraft command
/status Give status about Mojang Servers
/lears + [minecraft music] send lears of the music
/ticks [time] calculates the number of ticks in the given time
/dist [x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2] calculates the distance between x1 y1 z1 and x2 y2 z2
/serveur or /srv [server IP] show informations about the Minecraft serever
/skin [user] Show the user’s skin, and give a link to download it
/support Send the discord support server link
/invit Send the link for add the bot in you’r server !
available minecraft commands:
tp, say, gamemode, tell, clear, help, tm, setblock, xp, fill, particle, time, clone, title,kill,me,op,kick,ban,patate,seed

Note: The bot is in BÊTA, all minecraft commands are not implemanted yet.

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