Moddest Discord Bot Logo

Moddest Discord Bot

Invite Moddest Bot to your server and use its powerful Ban/Kick commands to manage your server. Get the full guide on how to add Moddest Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in February

Moddest Discord Bot Described:

Moddest was primarily made for users who want to have a better ban/kick management system that syncs accross all their servers.
Moddest was primarily made for users who moderate or own several servers and want to have a better ban/kick management system that syncs across all their servers.
BanSyncing, KickSyncing, Anti-Advertisement filter, Anti-Self-Advertisement filter, Account Age filter, and much more.
Help Command
Command Required Strings Description
>>help n Lists the command categories.
Sync Commands
Command Required Strings Description
>>bansync USER_ID Allows you to ban a user from all of the servers you have administrative permissions in at the same time.
>>kicksync USER_ID Allows you to ban a user from all of the servers you have administrative permissions in at the same time.
>>unbansync USER_ID Allows you to unban a user from all the servers you have administrative permissions in at the same time.
>>synced n Lists all the servers the synced commands will work in with your current permissions.
Moderation Commands
Command Required Strings Description
>>kick USER_MENTION OR USER_ID Kick someone from the server (Sends them a reason if provided).
>>ban USER_MENTION OR USER_ID Ban someone from the server (Sends them a reason if provided).
>>rolekick ROLE_MENTION OR NAME Kicks every member in that role.
>>roleban ROLE_MENTION OR NAME Bans every member in that role.
>>idban USER_ID Bans someone by ID, they don’t have to be in the server.
>>unban USERNAME OR ID Unbans the user, works both with username if it cannot find the user by ID it will search through the banned users.
>>purge NUMBER OR NOTHING Deletes specified amount of messages in the channel.
>>mute USER_MENTION OR USER_ID Mutes a user until you unmute them.
>>unmute USER_MENTION OR USER_ID Unmutes a user you previously muted.
Configural Commands
Command Required Strings Description
>>cinfo n Show’s the current server configurations.
>>nick NEW_NICKNAME Changes the bot’s nickname.
>>resetnick n Resets the bot’s nickname.
>>toggleantialt ON/OFF 1-ACCOUNT_AGE Prevent’s alternative accounts, if setting is on, accounts must be older from 1 to the number of day(s) in order to join this server.
>>toggleantiads ON/OFF DELETE/KICK/BAN Toggle anti advertisement links on/off. This will either delete the server link, kick the member, or ban the member if they posted an advertisement based on what you set it to.
>>antiadswhitelist CHANNEL_MENTION Set a whitelisted (allowed) channel where advertisments can be sent without punishments.
>>removewhitelist n Remove the whitelisted channel for advertisements.
>>togglemodlog ON/OFF CHANNEL_MENTINON Sets where to place modlogs. Content that will be logged includes: Bans, Kicks, Mutes, and Unmutes. The bot will automatically log them in the specified channel if one of these events are initiated.
Basic Commands
Command Required Strings Description
>>invite n Sends an invite link to the add Moddest to another server.
>>youtube SEARCH_QUERY Searches youtube for a video.
>>urban SEARCH _QUERY Searches a word using urban dictionary (NSFW Channel Only).
>>info n Shows the bot’s key information.
>>serverinfo n Shows the current server’s key information.
>>avatar USER_MENTION OR NOTHING Grabs the avatavar of a certain user at source file quality. Leave blank for your own.
>>goodbye n Initiate the bot to leave the server. Only the server / bot owner can run this command.
>>find USER_ID Finds a user by the ID and displays their name and some information about their account, aswell as the current profile picture. They do not have to be in the server.
>>setregion REGION_NAME Sets the servers region to enhance performance. Regions list: (‘japan’, ‘singapore’, ‘eu-central’, ‘us-central’, ‘london’, ‘eu-west’, ‘amsterdam’, ‘brazil’, ‘us-west’, ‘hongkong’, ‘us-south’, ‘southafrica’, ‘us-east’, ‘sydney’, ‘frankfurt’, ‘russia’)
Fun Commands
Command Required Strings Description
>>roast USER_MENTION OR NOTHING Roast someone like a boss.
>>clone <USER_ID> <MESSAGE> Create a webhook of a user saying your message.
>>impost <USER_NAME> <LINK> <MESSAGE> Create a webhook of a user saying your message. Custom picture, name, and message.
>>dice 0-ANYTHING Rolls a dice between 0 and your number.
>>poll QUESTION Generates a yes/no poll and use reactions to calculate a number.
>>charactercount MESSAGE Counts the characters in a given message.
>>reverse MESSAGE Reverses the message (the last word is first, and so on).
>>say MESSAGE Tell the bot to say a message.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Moddest Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Moddest to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Moddest Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: >>
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Swifti#0001