The Moderation Bot Pro is a brand new Mod bot for your server! It has many commands and features! The bot was created by Zahalia#4641 and Pingable! This is a great bot to keep your community in order! It is very new so there may be bugs!
-Help Lists available commands
-Invite Invite me <3
-Kick [@user] [reason] Kicks the mentioned user
-Ban [@user] [reason] Bans the mentioned user
-Mute [@user] Mutes the mentioned user
-Unmute [@user] Unmutes the mentioned user
-DeleteChannel [#channel] Deletes the mentioned channel
-DeleteRole [#channel] Deletes the mentioned role
-Announce [#channel] [Message] Sends an announcement/message in the specified channel
-purge [Ammount] Purges the specified ammount of message
-memes Generates a meme! <3
-8ball It’s 8ball, what do you expect
-botguildmembers Bot Guild Member Count
-unban [User ID] Unbans the user
-restart Restarts the bot (Zahalia#4641 only)
-nick [ID] [Nickname] Nicknames the user.
-roleinfo [Role] No need for a description ;-;
-Dice Rolls the dice
-Sownerban [@User] Server owner ban
-serverinfo Gives information about the server
-slap Slaps the user
-DeleteChannel [#channel] Deletes the specified channel
-DeleteRole [@role] Deletes the specified role
-Credits Bot Credits