Logo for Moderextor

Upvote Moderextor

This bot has moderation commands, logging features, and other utility features. Logging features are fully customizable

Back to Moderextor

The bot that everyone dreamed of is here! With Moderextor we provide a tons of commands for absolutely free. Moderextor has variety of commands that are almost fully customizable. Like logging channels, ban, unban, soft-ban. mute, unmute, temp-mute, channel lock, channel unlock, addrole, removerole, afk, change prefix, etc.

What are you waiting for? Invite Moderextor now!

Some commands listed below

.mod-logs [channel]
.role-info [role]
.slowmode [time] [reason]
.steal-emoji [emoji-1] [emoji-2] [em…]
.userinfo [user]
.extra-logs [channel]
.set-perfix [prefix]
.welcome-channel [channel]
.poll [text]
.removerole [user] [role]
.removewarn [user]
.roleinfo [role]
.soft-ban [user] [number of days for ban] [reason]
.temp-mute [user] [time] [reason]
.unban [user ID]
.unlock [channel]
.unmute [user]
.warn [user] [reason]
.warns [user]

If you feel generous, or are proud of using Moderextor. Please leave a review, as it means a lot to the developers and motivates them. A vote would be considered same as a donation too. Thank you!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.