MonkeeMusic Discord Bot Logo

MonkeeMusic Discord Bot

Full MonkeeMusic Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Music commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in December

MonkeeMusic Discord Bot Described:

A music bot that allows you to stream youtube audio, create playlists, fetch lyrics, and much more! It is monkey themed for no reason.
Command Usage Description
bitrate [bitrate [value (kps)] Sets the bots bitrate. Will not go into effect until the next song.
clean [clean [number of messages] clear messages from the text channel.
clear [clear clear all songs from the current queue.
clear [clear clear all songs from the current queue.
duration [duration, #duration queue, #duration [playlist name] displays either the duration of the song playing, the current queue, or a specified playlist.
loop [loop [number of loops (infinite if not specified)] loop the song that is currently playing.
lyrics [lyrics [name of song] get the lyrics of a specified song.
move [move [current position] [desired position] move a song to a different position in the queue.
pause [pause pause the song that is currently playing.
ping [ping test your latency to the bot.
playing [playing display the song that is currently playing.
play [play [link or query (song name)] play a specified song in the bot.
playtop [playtop [link or query (song name)] add a song to the upcoming position in the queue.
play (playlists) [play [playlist] [playlist name] play one of the custom playlists through the bot.
prefix [prefix [desired prefix] change the command prefix for the bot.
remove [remove [song position] remove a song from a specified position in the queue.
removedupes [removedupes remove all duplicate songs from the queue.
resume [resume resume the song that is currently playing.
queue [queue view all of the songs in the current queue.
shuffle [shuffle shuffles all of the songs in the current queue.
save [save [name for playlist] save the current queue as a playlist.
settings [settings show the server specific config of the bot.
silence [silence Toggle the bot to only use reactions for certain commands. Error messages and certain messages will still send.
skip [skip skip the song that is currently playing in the queue.
stop [stop stop the audio stream and clear the queue.
reverse [reverse reverses the order of the current song queue.
volume [volume [value between 0 and 10] adjust the channel wide volume of the bot.
Playlist Commands
Command Usage Description
playlists create [playlists create [playlist name] create a new playlist for the server. (max 25)
playlists delete [playlists delete [playlist name] delete a playlist from the server.
playlists add [playlists add [playlist name] [link or query (song name)] add a song to a specified playlist.
playlists remove [playlists remove [playlist name] [song position] remove a song at a specific position from a specified playlist.
playlists show [playlists show [playlist name] show all of the songs in a specified playlist.
playlists all [playlists all show all of the playlists on the server.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add MonkeeMusic Discord Bot to my server?

You can add MonkeeMusic to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add MonkeeMusic Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: [ (customizable)
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: AppleSauce#0324