Logo for Moon🌙

Upvote Moon🌙

The bot has a leaderboard and a rank system Categories of the bot: Moderation, Casino, Fun, Channels and Giveaways

Back to Moon🌙
The bot has a leaderboard and a rank system Categories of the bot:
  • Moderation: warn system, mute system, setwelcome, disable/enable, announce and clear

  • Channels: m!create - creating a public channel that you own

  • m!createp - creating a private channel that you can add your friends

  • m!add - adding a user to your channel and giving him permissions to join

  • m!remove - removing a user to your channel and taking from him the permissions to join

  • m!category - Moderation: choosing the category the channels will be created

  • m!delete - deleting the channel you created before

  • m!disconnect - kicking a user from your channel

  • m!setname - setting a name to your channel

  • m!userlimit - setting a user limit to your channel

  • Casino: A working 24/7 casino system with gambling, work, crime, slut and more commands!

  • Giveaways: The bot has a giveaway system with reaction that working every hour until the end

  • Fun: meme, howgay, 8ball, emojis, kill, slap, roll, flip, enlarge, randomcolor, repeat and roast

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.