Logo for MoonBot 🌙

Upvote MoonBot 🌙

Helpful moderation commands 🔨, a lot of fun mini-games 🎈, unique user/sever info commands ✨, and you can lock the channel for an amount of time.

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MoonBot is a Multipurpose Discord Bot that features Welcome images, moderation, fun commands, in-profile commands (Apps), user info, and more.

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🔧 Commands Prefix

Our bot uses the slash command / only

❔ How To use slash Commands

This is a video preview of how to use slash commands


🔍 Info Commands:
Command Description Options
/avatar Show user avatar with a link. user, options:(User Avatar, User Guild Avatar)
/banner show user banner with a link. user
/roles show user roles. user
/user shows information about the user. user
/server shows information about the server. none
🛠️ Moderation Commands:
Command Description Options Permission Needed
/clear Delete the specific amount of messages with options to select user only. amount, optional: target Manage Messages
/kick Kick a specific member with or without reason. user, optional: reason Kick Members
/ban Ban a specific member with or without reason. user, optional: reason Ban Members
/lock Disables @everyone from sending messages in a specific channel. time, optional: channel Manage Channels
/unlock Enables @everyone to send messages in a specific channel. channel Manage Channels
/timeout Timeout member from the guild for a specific time, with or without reason. user, time, optional: reason Timeout Members
/slowmode Change the slowmode in the channel with a custom time. optional: time, channel Manage Channels
/verify setup Implement a second verification wall to secure your server from raids with various verification options. options, role Manage Server
/welcome setup Setup the server welcome logs channel. channel, message, images, optional: role, background Manage Server
/welcome disable Disable the welcome logs channel. none Manage Server
/farewell setup Setup the server farewell logs channel. message, channel, images optional: background Manage Server
/farewell disable Disable the farewell logs channel. none Manage Server
⚙️ Utility Commands:
Command Description Options Permission Needed
/poll Start a Poll with some customization in whether you want single or multiple votes in that poll. title, description, choice1, choice2, multiple, optional: choice 3 - 10 none
/auto react Enable auto reactions in any channels you want, especially the suggestion channel. optional: exclude_role1, exclude_role2, disable Manage Server
/allrole add Give everyone or anyone who has a role a specific role. optional: role_to_add, users_role Administrator
/allrole remove Remove a specific role from everyone having a role. optional: role_to_remove, users_role Administrator
/unban everyone Unban everyone in this server. none Administrator
🎉 Fun commands:
Command Description Options
/minesweeper Start minesweeper game. rows, columns, mines
/flipcoin Flip a coin to see your luck. none
/restart Restart the bot. none
👤 User Context Menu Commands:
Command Description
User Avatar Show the user avatar with a link.
User Guild Avatar Show the user custom guild avatar with a link.
User Banner Show the user banner with a link.
User Profile shows information about to user.
User Roles show user roles.
📝 Message Context Menu Commands:
Command Description Permission Needed
Delete After this Delete all messages after the message used for this command. Manage Messages
Raw Message Send a Copy with the raw format of this message. none
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.