help(for viewing all commands)
play (for playing a song)
stop (to stop the ongoing music playback)
loop (to repeat the queue)
queue(to view the ongoing playlist)
volume<1-200>(for setting the volume ranging from 1 - 200)
uptime(for checking from how many hours the bot is online !)
Now enjoy my bot this is completly made by me alone no other owner are there of these bot this bots perforamce does’nt depend on the apiand all the play back sounf will be played in your output device without any lag or buffer if your internet is fast enough !

MR RACER DJ Discord Bot
Invite MR RACER DJ Bot to your Discord server and enjoy its powerful music commands. Get the best music experience with MR RACER DJ Discord Bot.
0 upvotes in FebruaryMR RACER DJ Discord Bot Described:
A Effective , Simple , Powerful Music BotFrequently Asked Questions
How do I add MR RACER DJ Discord Bot to my server?
You can add MR RACER DJ to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add MR RACER DJ Discord Bot' on this page.More Discord Bots

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