Mudae Commands
Discover the full list of Mudae commands with this guide. Easily navigate through the Mudae Bot commands list and find the perfect one for your needs.
View Mudae Discord Bot
Here are the Commands for Mudae Bot:
- /bonus - List of your player bonuses.
- /collection display input - (= $MM) Your list of characters.
- /collection sort input - (= $SM) Sort your characters.
- /collection trade input - (= $ME) Trade with another user.
- /collection give input - Give character(s) to another user.
- /collection note input - (= $N) Add a text note to your characters.
- /collection findnote input - (= $FN) Find a text note.
- /collection changeimg input - (= $CI) Change the image displayed for a character.
- /collection alias input - (= $A) Change the alias of a character.
- /collection alias2 input - (= $A2) Replace the main alias for a custom text.
- /collection firstmarry input - (= $FM) Define your favorite character.
- /collection rename input - (= $RH) Rename your collection.
- /collection divorce input - Release some characters.
- /collection embedcolor input - (= $EC) Change the embed line color for a character.
- /collection colormm input - Change the embed line color for your collection.
- /collection haremcopy input - (PLAYER PREMIUM 2) Copy your characters from another server, with restrictions.
- /collection skills input - (= $SK) Define the skills of a character.
- /collection noteimg input - (= $NI) Add a text note to an image.
- /commandsearch input - (= $S) Search for a specific command by using keywords. Over 400 commands to search.
- /daily - Vote for Mudae to get a rolls reset.
- /database character input - (= $IM) Search for characters.
- /database series input - (= $IMA) Search for series.
- /database alias input - (= $AL) Display the aliases of a character.
- /database top input - Ladder of characters by ranks.
- /disable add input - (= $D) Add series to your disablelist.
- /disable list input - (= $DL) Your disablelist.
- /disable remove input - (= $E) Remove series from your disablelist.
- /disable clear - (= $EALL) Clear your disablelist.
- /disable togglewestern - (= $TW) Completely disable western animanga characters for your rolls.
- /disable toggleirl - Completely disable characters from the bundle Real Life People for your rolls.
- /disable disabletag input - Disable characters having specific tags.
- /disable enabletag input - Enable characters disabled by the disabletag command.
- /disable privacy - (= $DISABLEDM) Make your disablelist private.
- /disable limroul input - (Gamemode 2) Define the number of different characters you can roll in each roulette
- /dk - Earn a daily amount of kakera.
- /enable add input - (= $AD) Add series (or characters if gamemode 2) to your antidisablelist.
- /enable list input - (= $ADL) Your antidisablelist.
- /enable remove input - (= $AE) Remove series (or characters if gamemode 2) from your antidisablelist.
- /enable clear - (= $AEALL) Clear your antidisablelist.
- /ha - Roll a random animanga husbando.
- /help - DMs with the list of MAIN commands. Type any command to get more infos and subcommands.
- /hg - Roll a random game husbando.
- /hx - Roll a random animanga or game husbando.
- /im input - Search for existing characters.
- /ima input - Search for existing series.
- /kakera display input - (= $K) Your kakera profile and main kakera commands.
- /kakera dailyk - (= $DK) Earn a daily amount of kakera.
- /kakera kakeraup - (= $KU) Time left before you can react to a kakera again.
- /kakera bronze input - Upgrade your bronze badge.
- /kakera silver input - Upgrade your silver badge.
- /kakera gold input - Upgrade your gold badge.
- /kakera sapphire input - Upgrade your sapphire badge.
- /kakera ruby input - Upgrade your ruby badge.
- /kakera emerald input - Upgrade your emerald badge.
- /kakera details - (= $KR) Detailed rewards for the kakera badges.
- /kakera boost input - (= $BK) Invest rolls to boost the value and the spawn of kakera reactions.
- /kakera ladder input - (= $TSK) Server ladder for kakera.
- /kakera givek input - Give kakera to someone.
- /kakera dailykup - (= $DKU) Time left before you can use dailyk again.
- /kakera privacy input - (= $KAKERADM) Get a DM or don't be mentioned for bronze, silver and emerald bonuses.
- /kakera kakeracopy input - (PLAYER PREMIUM 2) Copy your kakera from another server, with restrictions.
- /kakeraloots get input - (= $KL) Spend kakera to get random loots.
- /kakeraloots display input - (= $LK) Your kakeraloots profile.
- /kakeraloots info - (= $INFOKL) Infos about the loots.
- /kakeraloots quantity input - (= $QUANT) Spend kakera to upgrade the quantity of your loots.
- /kakeraloots quality input - (= $QUAL) Spend kakera to upgrade the quality of your loots.
- /kakeratower display input - (= $KT) Your tower profile and infos.
- /kakeratower build input - (= $B) Build the floors of your tower.
- /kakeratower destroy input - Destroy the floors of your tower.
- /keys info - (= $INFOKEYS) Infos about the keys system.
- /keys bonuskeysup - (= $BKU) Your timer for the gold and chaos keys bonus.
- /keys ladder input - (= $TSY) Server ladder for keys.
- /keys removekeys input - (= $RK) Remove keys for a character.
- /like add input - (= $L) Add characters to your likelist.
- /like list input - (= $LL) Your likelist.
- /like remove input - (= $LR) Remove characters from your likelist.
- /like insert input - (= $LP) Insert (or sort) characters at a specific position of your likelist.
- /like clear - (= $LIKECLEAR) Clear your likelist.
- /like privacy - (= $LIKEDM) Make your likelist private.
- /like renamelikelist input - (= $RLL) Rename your likelist
- /like colorll input - Change the embed line color for your likelist.
- /ll input - List of your liked characters.
- /ma - Roll a random animanga waifu or husbando.
- /mg - Roll a random game waifu or husbando.
- /miscellaneous fate input - Fate between you and another user.
- /miscellaneous 42ball input - Ask a yes or no question.
- /miscellaneous star input - Give a star to another user!
- /miscellaneous avatar input - Display the avatar of another user.
- /miscellaneous myid - Display your user and server Discord IDs
- /miscellaneous quotimage - Get a random quote plus a random image.
- /miscellaneous alea input - Get a random number.
- /miscellaneous say input - Repeat what you typed.
- /miscellaneous invert input - Invert what you typed.
- /miscellaneous beam input - Destroy something.
- /miscellaneous cdn input - Countdown.
- /miscellaneous customcd input - Custom countdown.
- /miscellaneous wiki input - Quick search on wikipedia.
- /miscellaneous def input - Quick definition on wiktionary.
- /miscellaneous date - Display the date (PST time)
- /miscellaneous rdmcountry - Display a random country.
- /miscellaneous embedtxt input - Embed your text.
- /miscellaneous join - Get the invite link to join the main server of Mudae.
- /miscellaneous invite - Get the invite link to invite Mudae on a server.
- /miscellaneous patreon - Get the Patreon link to support Mudae and earn premium advantages.
- /mk - (Premium) Roll a claimed character with a guaranteed kakera reaction.
- /mm input - Your list of characters.
- /modbalance badgevalue input - Change the cost of the kakera badges.
- /modbalance togglesnipe input - Options to prevent character sniping during rolls.
- /modbalance togglekakerasnipe input - Options to prevent kakera sniping during rolls.
- /modbalance settimer input - Change the time during which you can react on a character.
- /modbalance setrolls input - Change the number of rolls per hour for your server.
- /modbalance setclaim input - (SERVER PREMIUM) Change the time to wait between two claim resets.
- /modbalance setrare input - Change the spawn probability of already claimed characters for your server.
- /modbalance haremlimit input - Change the max amount of characters a harem can handle.
- /modbalance gamemode input - Change the game mode of Mudae, use mode 2 to easily disable the less popular characters.
- /modbalance servlimroul input - (Gamemode 2) Define the number of different characters you can roll in each roulette
- /modbalance givescrap input - Give kakera from kakera scraps to someone.
- /modclean forcedivorce input - Divorce a character from someone.
- /modclean cleanuser input - Divorce all the characters and clean the wishes of someone.
- /modclean thanos input - Divorce half of the harem of someone.
- /modclean thanosall input - Divorce half of the harem of everyone in your server.
- /modclean bitesthedust input - Divorce all the characters of everyone in your server.
- /modclean fullreset input - List of server reset commands.
- /modclean kakerarefund input - Refund the kakera badges of someone.
- /modclean kakeraremove input - Remove some kakera from someone.
- /modclean clearnotes input - Remove all the notes for someone.
- /modclean clearwishes input - Remove all the wishes for someone.
- /modclean resetalias2 input - Reset all secondary aliases of the characters of someone.
- /modclean restore input - Restore some characters from the restorelist to their former owner.
- /modclean restoreuser input - Restore a full restorelist entry to the former owner.
- /modclean cleankakera input - Refund the kakera badges and towers of someone, then remove all their kakera.
- /modclean klreset input - Completely erase the kakeraloots of someone without refunding.
- /modcustom addimg input - (= $AI) Add a custom image to an existing character.
- /modcustom claimreact input - (= $CR) Customize the claim reactions.
- /modcustom kakerareact input - Customize the kakera reactions.
- /modcustom addcustom input - (= $AC) Create a custom character for your server. Can be rolled and given.
- /modcustom deletecustom input - (= $DC) Delete a custom character.
- /modcustom givecustom input - (= $GC) Give a custom character to someone.
- /modrestrict channeldeny input - (= $CD) Disable some commands for the current channel.
- /modrestrict channelrestrict input - Restrict the use of some commands so that they can only be used in the current channel.
- /modrestrict deny input - Disable some commands for users with a specific Discord role.
- /modrestrict restrict input - Restrict the use of some commands to a Discord role, so only this role can use the commands.
- /modrestrict revertchanneldeny input - (= $CA) Revert the effect of channeldeny for the specified commands.
- /modrestrict revertchannelrestric input - (= $CHANNELUNRESTRICT) Revert the effect of channelrestrict for the specified commands.
- /modrestrict revertdeny input - (= $ALLOW) Revert the effect of deny for the specified roles.
- /modrestrict revertrestrict input - (= $UNRESTRICT) Revert the effect of restrict for the specified roles.
- /modrestrict setpermission input - Change some specific permissions for some specific commands.
- /modrestrict togglesilent input - Change how the bot answers when using a command disabled.
- /modsettings lang input - Change the language of your server: en, fr, es or pt-br.
- /modsettings togglekakerarolls - Display the kakera value during rolls.
- /modsettings toggleclaimrolls - Display the claim ranks during rolls.
- /modsettings togglelikerolls - Display the like ranks during rolls.
- /modsettings channelinstance input - Change the instance of this channel, to make this channel likes a new server.
- /modsettings serverdisable input - (= $SD) Completely disable characters for your whole server.
- /modsettings togglehent - Disable 18+ series for the whole server.
- /modsettings toggledisturbing - Disable disturbing imagery series for the whole server.
- /modsettings togglechildtag - Disable characters having the tags Child and Baby for the whole server.
- /modsettings shifthour input - Delay by 1 or 2 hours the claim reset interval for your server.
- /modsettings setinterval input - (SERVER PREMIUM 2) Change the exact minute of the claim and rolls reset.
- /modsettings togglereact input - Change how the buttons are automatically added under the rolls of everyone.
- /modsettings toggleclaimrank - Disable claim ranks for your server.
- /modsettings togglelikerank - Disable like ranks for your server.
- /modsettings togglekakera input - Commands to disable parts of the kakera system on your server.
- /modsettings togglekeys - Disable the keys system in your server.
- /mudapins display input - (= $MP) Your collection of mudapins.
- /mudapins info - (= $INFOPIN) Infos about the mudapins.
- /mudapins pinexchange input - (= $PE) Trade mudapins with another user.
- /mudapins givepin input - (= $GP) Give mudapins to another user.
- /mudapins releasepin input - (= $RP) Release specific mudapins to get other mudapins.
- /mudapins autoreleasepin - (= $ARLP) Automatically release all your duplicates to get other mudapins (4 for 1)
- /mudapins pinlike input - Immune specific mudapins to the autoreleasepin command.
- /mudapins pinunlike input - Remove a mudapin from your pinlikelist
- /mudapins pinlikelist input - Your list of liked mudapins.
- /mudapins cleanpinlikelist - Clear your list of liked mudapins.
- /mx - Roll a random waifu or husbando (animanga or game).
- /note input - Add a note to your characters.
- /overview - List of your player settings.
- /poke pokedex input - (= $PD) Your collection of Pokémon.
- /poke sortpkm input - (= $SP) Sort your Pokémon.
- /poke autorelease input - (= $ARL) Automatically release your duplicate Pokémon for more tries.
- /poke release input - (= $R) Release some Pokémon to get more tries.
- /poke shinyhunt input - (= $SH) Hunt a shiny Pokémon to increase their spawn probability.
- /poke pokeprofile input - (= $PPR) Display up to 12 Pokémon on your profile.
- /poke pokelike input - (= $PL) Like Pokémon and immunize them for the autorelease and releaseall commands.
- /poke pokelikelist input - (= $PLL) Your list of liked Pokémon.
- /poke togglepokelike - Disable the immunity feature for the pokelike command.
- /poke pokerank input - Global ladder for Pokémon.
- /poke pokeserv input - (= $PS) Server ladder for Pokémon.
- /poke pokemode input - Change the animation and ping options.
- /pokeslot input - (= $P) Pokémon slot machine.
- /preset save input - (= $QS) Save a list.
- /preset load input - (= $QL) Load a list.
- /preset list input - (= $Q) See your saved preset lists.
- /preset privacy - (= $PRESETDM) Make your preset lists private.
- /profile display input - (= $PR) Display your server profile.
- /profile badge input - Your list of badges.
- /profile arrange input - (= $PA) Change the categories displayed on your profile.
- /profile profilebadge input - (= $PB) Define the badges displayed on your profile.
- /profile colorpr input - Change the embed line color for your profile.
- /rolls - Reset your rolls.
- /rollsutil timersup - (= $TU) Your list of timers.
- /rollsutil marryup - (= $MU) Time left before you can claim a character again.
- /rollsutil rollsup - (= $RU) Time left before you can roll again.
- /rollsutil rolls - Reset your rolls for the current hour.
- /rollsutil vote - Vote for the bot to store a rolls reset.
- /rollsutil daily - Store a daily rolls reset.
- /rollsutil tuarrange input - Change the categories displayed when using the timersup command.
- /rollsutil usestack input - (= $US) Get more rolls this hour by spending stacked rolls obtained from kakeraloots.
- /rollsutil resetclaimtimer input - (= $RT) Reset your claim timer for this interval.
- /rollsutil freeclaim input - (= $FC) Reset your claim timer for this interval (limited).
- /rollsutil setfooter - Display the name, series, keys and kakera value under the image during your rolls.
- /rollsutil renameclaim input - (= $RC) Rename your claim message.
- /rollsutil renamedivorce input - (= $RD) Rename your divorce message.
- /rollsutil randomimg input - (= $RDMIMG) Make the images appearing during your rolls random AND/OR disable gifs/custom images.
- /rollsutil personalrare input - (= $PERSR) Change the spawn probability of already claimed characters during your rolls.
- /rollsutil rollsleft input - Change where the message indicating you have two rolls left is displayed.
- /rollsutil imglink - Display the image links during your rolls.
- /rollsutil hideinfodisable - When searching for characters, the emoji indicating disabled characters is not displayed.
- /server settings - The settings of your server.
- /server ladder input - (= $TS) Your server ladders.
- /server left - Number of characters left in your server.
- /server serverdisablelist input - (= $SDL) Characters disabled for the whole server.
- /server findallnotes input - (= $FNALL) Search for a note in the whole server.
- /server leftusers - (= $LU) List of users who left the servers with characters, wishes, kakera.
- /server kakerascrap - Amount of server kakera scraps.
- /server restorelist input - (= $RL) Server list of characters divorced by moderation commands.
- /server addimglist input - (= $AIL) Server list or someone's list of custom images added.
- /server a2list input - (= $A2L) Server list or someone's list of custom secondary aliases added.
- /server noteimglist input - (= $NIL) Server list or someone's list of custom image notes added.
- /settings - List of your server settings.
- /sortmarry input - Sort your characters.
- /soulmate sl input - Your soulmate list.
- /soulmate ssl input - Sort your soulmates.
- /soulmate nsl input - Add a text note to your soulmates
- /soulmate fnsl input - Find a text note.
- /soulmate csl input - Change the main image displayed for your soulmate list.
- /soulmate asl input - Change the alias of a soulmate for your soulmate list.
- /soulmate rsl input - Rename your soulmate list.
- /soulmate divorcesl input - Release some soulmates.
- /soulmate soulcopy input - Copy your soulmates to your collection, with restrictions.
- /soulmate colorsl input - Change the embed line color for your soulmate list.
- /tags search input - (= $TAGS) Search characters by tags.
- /tags all input - (= $AT) Search all tags.
- /tags el input - Display the tags of a character.
- /top input - Top 1000 characters.
- /topserv input - Server character ranking.
- /tu - Your list of timers.
- /tuto input - The tutorial.
- /vote - Vote for the bot to get more rolls.
- /wa - Roll a random animanga waifu.
- /wg - Roll a random game waifu.
- /wish add input - (= $WISH) Add character(s) to your wishlist.
- /wish list input - (= $WL) Your list of wished characters.
- /wish remove input - (= $WR) Remove characters from your wishlist.
- /wish clear - (= $WRALL) Clear your wishlist.
- /wish privacy input - (= $WISHDM) Make your wishes private and/or get a DM when they spawn.
- /wish purge - (= $WP) Remove already claimed characters from your wishlist.
- /wish boost input - (= $BW) Invest rolls to boost the spawn probability of your wishes.
- /wish sort - (= $WISHSORT) Always sort your wishlist by alphabetical order.
- /wish firstwish input - (= $FW) Define your firstwish, spawn boosted with kakeratower.
- /wishseries add input - (PLAYER PREMIUM) (= $WS) Add a series to your wishserieslist.
- /wishseries list input - (= $WSL) Your wishserieslist.
- /wishseries remove input - (= $WSR) Remove a series from your wishserieslist
- /wl input - Your list of wished characters.
- /wordgames blacktea - Write a word containing the group of 3 letters indicated.
- /wordgames greentea - Be the fastest to write a word containing the group of 3 letters indicated.
- /wordgames redtea - Find the longest word containing the group of 3 letters indicated.
- /wordgames yellowtea - Find the largest amount of words containing the group of 3 letters indicated.
- /wordgames mixtea - Mix of all the tea games.
- /wordgames quiz - Answer a few random questions or rebus.
- /wx - Roll a random animanga or game waifu.