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A simple discord music bot with lots of commands I bet you will love this bot and if you don't why not join our discord server and tells us why. And one more thing. This bot is 99 % free!!

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A wonderful discord music bot with quite a bit of commands to find a list of these commands just run /help. The bot also shows reactions after playing a song for quick options which include the following: Skip, Pause, Mute, Volume down/up, Repeat toggle and lastly a stop button! I would appreciate it if you used this bot! For those who are to lazy to run /help here are the commands:

This shows the dev of the bot!
/help (h)
Display all commands and descriptions
Send bot invite link
/loop (l)
Toggle music loop
/lyrics (ly)
Get lyrics for the currently playing song
/move (mv)
Move songs around in the queue
Show now playing song
Pause the currently playing music
Show the bot’s average ping
/play §
Plays audio from YouTube or Soundcloud
/playlist (pl)
Play a playlist from youtube
Toggle pruning of bot messages
/queue (q)
Show the music queue and now playing.
/remove (rm)
Remove song from the queue
/resume ®
Resume currently playing music
Search and select videos to play
Shuffle queue
/skip (s)
Skip the currently playing song
/skipto (st)
Skip to the selected queue number
Stops the music
/uptime (u)
Check the uptime
/volume (v)
Change volume of currently playing music

Here are some images:

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.