Available commands in AVENGERS ASSEMBLY
:notes: Music Command Group:
create-playlist: Create a playlist
delete-playlist: Delete a playlist from your saved playlists
display-playlist: Display a saved playlist
leave: Leaves voice channel if in one!
loop: Loop the currently playing song!
loopqueue: Loop the queue x times! - (the default is 1 time)
lyrics: Get lyrics of any song or the lyrics of the currently playing song!
move: Move song to a desired position in queue!
music-trivia: Engage in a music quiz with your friends!
my-playlists: List your saved playlists
nowplaying: Display the currently playing song!
pause: Pause the current playing song!
play: Play any song or playlist from youtube!
queue: Display the song queue!
remove-from-playlist: Remove a song from a saved playlist
remove: Remove a specific song from queue!
resume: Resume the current paused song!
save-to-playlist: Save a song or a playlist to a saved playlist
shuffle: Shuffle the song queue!
skip: Skip the current playing song!
skipall: Skip all songs in queue!
skipto: Skip to a specific song in the queue, provide the song number as an argument!
stop-trivia: End the music trivia!
volume: Adjust song volume!
:film_frames: Gif Command Group:
animegif: Provide a name of an anime show or character and I will return a gif!
gif: Provide a query and replies with a gif!
gintama: Replies with a gintama gif!
jojo: Replies with a random jojo gif!
:loud_sound: Other Command Group:
8ball: Get the answer to anything!
about: Learn about the bot and it’s creator!
advice: Get some advice!
bored: Generate a random activity!
cat: Replies with a cute cat picture!
chucknorris: Get a satirical fact about Chuck Norris!
dog: Replies with a cute dog picture
fortune: Replies with a fortune cookie tip!
insult: Generate an evil insult!
kanye: Get a random Kanye quote.
motivation: Get a random motivational quote!
poll: Creates a poll with up to 10 choices.
random: Generate a random number between two provided numbers!
lookup: Resolve an IP address or hostname with additional info.
rps: Rock paper scissors
say: Make the bot say anything!
speedrun: Replies with speedrun info of the main category.
translate: Translate to any language using yandex translation service.(only supported lanugages)
trump: Get a random quote from Donald Trump!
uptime: Replies with the bot’s total uptime.
urban: Get definitions from urban dictonary.
vote: Starts a yes/no/don’t care vote.
world-news: Replies with the 5 latest world news headlines!
ynet-news: Replies with the 5 latest israeli news headlines
:gear: Guild Related Commands:
ban: Bans a tagged member.
kick: Kicks a tagged member.
prune: Delete up to 99 recent messages.
welcome-message: Allows you to toggle the welcome message for new members that join the server.
help: Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command.
prefix: Shows or sets the command prefix.
ping: Checks the bot’s ping to the Discord server.