Features & Commands
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Note: The default prefix is ‘=’
- 🎶 Music Commands!
- play <results>
- nowplaying
- loop <current, all>
- loopall
- clear
- playskip <results>
- previous
- join
- leave
- foward <seconds>
- pause
- move <oldposition - newposition>
- queue
- remove <position>
- replay
- resume
- rewind <seconds>
- search <result>
- seek <time>
- shuffle
- skip
- skipto <position>
- topsong
- volume <number>
- ⏺ Filter Commands!
- bass
- bassboost <number -10 - 10>
- earrape
- equalizer
- overwrite
- pop
- soft
- treblebass
- 📝 Info Commands!
- help <command>
- invite
- ping
- support
- topcmd
- 🔓 Playlists Commands!
- create <name> <playlistlink>
- delete <name>
- load <name>
- playlists
- save <name> pt. save music in queue playing
- view <name>
- 🔗 Settings Commands!
- description <write>
- disable <#channel>
- enable <#channel>
- profile <@mentions>
- setprefix <prefix>
- stay
- 🎲 Other Commands!
- bandcamp <link>
- soundcloud <link>
- spotify <link>
- youtube <search query>