Nigel Discord Bot Logo

Nigel Discord Bot

Invite Nigel Bot to your server and get access to its powerful web search, todo-list and reminder commands. Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in September

Nigel Discord Bot Described:

A personal assistant that can search things on the web, keep todo-lists and remind you of important events.

Nigel is a personal assistant. He was created to be useful and help you get things done.

Currently he supports the following headline features:

  • Todo-lists:
    Add, edit, enumerate, remove and mark tasks in your todo-list as uncomplete/complete.
  • Timers:
    Add, enumerate, remove timers in X amount of time, or on a certain date and time.
  • Search:
    Search the web for questions and information using DuckDuckGo and Wolfram Alpha simply by asking Nigel.
    You can also translate phrases from one language to another.
  • Live translation:
    Write in your native language and have NigelBot automatically translate it to a person speaking another language.
  • Polls:
    Start a poll with a handful of options and let people vote using emoji reactions.
    Display the results live and graphically.
  • Calendar:
    Create and manage events on specific dates and let Nigel remind you of them.

NigelBot supports other useful features.

  • Permission control:
    Choose who in your guild gets to control which command(s).
    Per command, you can set a default permission level (owner, admin or all),
    as well as white/blacklist specific users or server roles. Default is “admin”.
  • Settings:
    • Edit your timezone to display and parse times correctly.
    • Custom command prefix: you can always address Nigel with the prefix “nigel”,
      but you can choose a (shorter) custom prefix like “!”, “$”, “%” and more. Default is “.”.
    • Set a Wolfram Alpha key so Nigel can search for things on the web.
      If you don’t, Nigel will still search via DuckDuckGo.
  • Bug reports and feature requests:
    Submit a bug or feature request, which goes directly to me.
    This way I can get instant feedback if something goes wrong.
  • Data management:
    At any point, you can request all the data associated with you in the database.
    You can choose to delete all your data and start off fresh with Nigel. (This happens
    automatically when you kick Nigel.)

I am very much open to new feature requests to make Nigel even more useful.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Nigel Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Nigel to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Nigel Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: nigel
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Artie Vandelay#0445
