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Upvote Niran

A cool bot with a few moderation and fun commands

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NIRAN is a simple discord bot with a few commands

Moderation Commands

n!setnickname Set the nickname of the mentioned user
n!lock Lock the current channel
n!unlock Unlock the current channel
n!clear Delete a number of messages in a channel
n!kick Kick a user
n!ban Ban a user
n!mute Mute a user
n!unmute Unmute a user
n!create_role Create a role in your server

Fun Commands

n!ping Get the current ping of the bot
n!blueberry Just for fun lmao
n!cat Sends an cute cat picture
n!dog Sends an dog picture
n!userinfo Get more info about the mentioned user
n!serverinfo Get more info about the server
n!say Sends the messsage you sends

Niran Commands

n!help Get help
n!status Get the link to the status page
n!commands Get a list of all Commands
n!apply Apply at Niran!
n!team Get a list of all team members
n!vote Get the links to all vote platforms, wehre Niran is listed

Social Media Commands

n!socialmedia Get a list of all social media accounts of Niran and their links
n!facebook Get a link to the facebook page of niran
n!website Get a link to the website of niran
n!instagram Get a link to the instagram account of Niran
n!youtube Get a link to the youtube account of Niran

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.