Logo for Nydea~♡

Upvote Nydea~♡

Bot contains some features such as [Moderation - Fun - NSFW - Util - Information - General] commands.

Back to Nydea~♡

<h1> This is Nydea. </h1> <i>not a anime bot, or yes…? </i> <p>
<h2> Nydea Features </h2>
<p> <p>
<i>Command features like, when you put a command if you didn’t put args command auto-cancel it in 30 seconds, you can enter while using a command <b> cancel </b> to cancel the command, Incredible no?</i><p>
<i>Each time a new command is added by me, it will automatically be put on the help list!</i> <p>
<i>Did you know that the commands work in a simple but extraordinary way?</i> <p>
<i> I try to have new commands every day to improve the system owo? </i> <p>
<i> And as if that were not enough, in mentions commands you do not necessarily have to mention the user! You can say your name, or if the user is not on the server you can take out your ID and put it on the command, SUPER-HYPER-MEGA AWESOME NO ??? OWOWOWOWOWO </i>
<p> <p>
<h1>But we are not here to show off.</h1> <p>
<h2> [{ Nydea Module Commands }] </h2> <p>
<i>Moderation, Fun, NSFW (for perverts.okno), Util, Developer, General, and many moreowo</i>
<b><i> thank you for lending your valuable time in your life millionaire to read a few lines of what contains nydea, until the next owo </b> </i>

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