Logo for Oreo

Upvote Oreo

Personalize your Discord with Oreo's highly customizable ticket system, suggestions, reaction roles, auto roles, moderation and more

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?autorole: Automatically gives new members one or multiple roles upon joining the guild.
?logging: Sets up Oreo’s logging features.
?permissions: Configures permissions of specific commands for users, roles and @everyone.
?pollemotes: Changes poll emotes.
?prefix: Changes Oreo’s prefix.
?reactionroles: Configures reaction roles.
?setmutedrole: Sets the muted role for further moderation purposes.
?setup-moderation: Setup moderation.
?setup-suggestions: Configures suggestion settings.
?setup-tickets: Configures ticket settings.
?streamnotifier: Stream notification settings.


?ban: Bans a user off the server
?botclear: Deletes multiple messages sent by bots
?clear: Deletes multiple messages instantly
?deleteverbalwarn: Removes a user’s verbal infraction
?deletewarn: Removes a user’s infraction
?getban: Fetches a user’s ban reason
?kick: Kicks a user off the server
?mute: Mutes a user.
?nickname: Change a user’s nickname
?unmute: Mutes a user.
?unban: unbans a member
?unpingable: Changes unpingable usernames
?verbalwarn: Warns a user verbally
?verbalwarnings: Checks user’s verbal warning infractions
?warn: Warns a user
?warnings: Checks a user’s infractions

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.