osu! Discord Bot Logo

osu! Discord Bot

Invite osu! Bot to your server and get access to osu! statistics commands. Discover new ways to interact with the osu! Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in February

osu! Discord Bot Described:

Smart bot that gets statistics of plays & profiles from osu! API.
Osu! bot

Osu! bot is a bot written in Javascript, with Discord.js library.
Osu! provides few, but reliable & fast commands which use osuAPI to get player’s statistics, best/recent plays etc.

Inviting Osu! bot to your server

You can invite Osu! to your server by clicking this link. Please do not edit any of assigned permissions.

List of commands
  • o?beatmap gets information about a specific map (using link)
  • o?best displays embed with few pages which show top 5 plays of defined player in defined mode
  • o?player general statistics of player, such as global & country rank, level, playtime
  • o?recent displays embed with few pages which show recent 5 plays of defined player in defined mode
  • o?prefix sets up a custom prefix for server
  • o?help shows list of commands or displays usage/examples/aliases of defined command
  • o?invite sends a invite link for the bot
  • o?ping shows current latency to servers
  • o?premium shows information about premium features
  • o?support sends a invite link to support server

If you want an example or help with command just write o?help <nameOfCommand>.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add osu! Discord Bot to my server?

You can add osu! to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add osu! Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: o?
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: igniss.#9981