Logo for OwO Cat

Upvote OwO Cat

is a open source discord bot with Meany fetchers and more coming soon.

Back to OwO Cat

(WARNING Some commands are a bit inappropriate don’t add this to a server for kids its nothing bad but still a bit weird not that bad though )

invite me to your server https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=830509650722029628&permissions=2148005952&scope=bot
Meow commands

Meow Lotto Info = gives you info about how to play owo lotto
Meow Coin Flip = flips a coin
Vibe = just vibe owo
owo cat clean the server = it will not clear the chat it will do somefing else
meow username = picks a random username for you from a data bace of 25,483 usernames
meow lotto 12345678910 = put it in and see (Real Command Joke)
meow lotto 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 = put it in and see (Real Command Joke)
fight = put it in and see (Real Command Joke)
harder daddy owo = because yes but also put it in and see (Real Command Joke)

Q&A For OwO Cat
When am i online = before 4pm the bot will be off and on but after 4pm it should be online till 10pm uk time.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.