Logo for Partner Bot

Upvote Partner Bot

So everyone knows about those bump bots, yeah.. this bot is exactly that! Create a description for the advertisement, set what channel you get sent other people's server!

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-+ Partner Bot ±

There are some issues with the bot, if you bump your bot before setting a channel via p!init, or setting a description via p!desc. The one hour cooldown will still count like you did it, if you know how to code and wanna try to fix it, message sadXVI#4489

What are the commands?

To get started do partner!help, be fore we continue, you have to be server owner!

p!init #channel-name > Specify what channel you want other user’s servers be posted

p!desc (description) > Add a description you want to be in the ad, 10-255 character limit!

p!invite > Get the bot’s invite URL (Not that fancy as of right now)

p!bump > Bump the current server!

That’s really it about the bot, love you all!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.