PartsBot Discord Bot Logo

PartsBot Discord Bot

Full PartsBot Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Utility commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

PartsBot Discord Bot Described:

A bot which scrapes PCPartPicker to get in detail specs and pricing information for ANY part on


PartsBot is a powerful Discord bot that returns rich and detailed specifications as well as up to date pricing for any item on PCPartPicker (excluding laptops since they clog up search results).

PartsBot also automatically formats PCPartPicker URLs, sending the contents of the list as well as its total price and estimated wattage. This works with PCPP links of ANY country.

Prefix is ,.

COMMANDS as of 26/10/2020

,help {command}
shows usage and description for command. if no command is put, sends all commands in a list.

sends bot information including invite link, official discord and credits.

,partspecs {query} aliases: specs, ps, s
shows detailed specs for a part via search query. if multiple results are returned, user must react with appropriate emoji to get the desired term.

,partspecscustom {pcpartpicker url} aliases: psc, specscustom, sc
shows detailed specs for a part via pcpartpicker link.

,partprice {region} {query} aliases: pp, p, price
shows the cheapest price for a part via search query (if the part is available). put the country’s alpha-2 code (e.g. uk, fr, es) if you wish to see pricing in other regions. only works for supported countries on pcpartpicker. use ,regions to see a full list of supported regions as well as their alpha-2 codes.

,lttforums {subforum index or lowercase name} aliases: ltt, lf, lmgforums, lttforum, lmgforum
sends posts from in the subforum of your choice. if no subforum name or index is given, the entire subforum list is sent and users are able to choose which one they want to view.

,ping aliases: pong
sends current bot ping in milliseconds.

other commands:
status (bot owner only), unlock (bot owner only)

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add PartsBot Discord Bot to my server?

You can add PartsBot to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add PartsBot Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: ,
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: QuaKe#9535