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Multipurpose bot for roleplaying, alterhumans, therians and furries, featuring a community-centered RPG.

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What does Paw and Paper do?

Paw and Paper has two main usages:

Firstly, it has powerful tools to help make your roleplay more immersive. You can create extremely customizable characters including name, avatar, species, pronouns, description, and color. You can also send messages as though they are coming from these characters.

But this is far from the end: Roleplayers can also set custom skills/ability scores, that they can then use to roll dice. Users can also find, visit and talk to people from other servers to get to know more people and roleplay together!

With the same characters that you already created, you can now take part in a community-driven, interactive roleplay game about animals surviving in the wild. Your goal is to go up the ranks, level up, help out your friends and keep your stats high. You can go to different biomes, where you can find herbs, stumble upon animals to fight, or do quests.

Why choose Paw and Paper?

Paw and Paper is a perfect companion for roleplayers, alterhumans, and anyone who enjoys RPGs.

We do our very best to make the bot as easy to use for everyone, no matter how tech-savvy they are. For this, we use all the tools that Discord gives us to make the experience as immersive as possible.

And if there is something missing that you would like to see added to the bot, you can easily suggest it, and get in touch with the developers. Monthly updates bring exciting new features to ensure the quality of P&P stays top-level.

How do I use Paw and Paper?

Paw and Paper uses slash commands to communicate with the user. The basic command to get a list of all other commands is /help.

Here are some of the most important commands:

  • /name- (Re)name and create a character

  • /pronouns, /avatar, /color and /description are your main commands to customize your character

  • /species- Give your character a species. Depending on the type of roleplay you do, this could also be a class, race, breed, etc. Choosing a species is needed to access the RPG parts of the bot.

  • /profile- Look up all the available info about a character or change the character you are using.

  • /say and /proxy are useful when you want to talk as a character.

  • /skills, /roll and /visit (currently disabled) are great tools to enhance your own roleplay.

  • /stats- Quick view of your characters condition in the RPG. Everything you need to know about the RPG aspects is explained along the way, after you used the /play command once. Just make sure to read all the tips given to you after creating a species, or consult the help command when you don’t know what to do.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.