ComicallyBot Discord Bot Logo

ComicallyBot Discord Bot

Add ComicallyBot to your server and enjoy the fun of combining all the bot commands into one! Invite ComicallyBot Discord Bot now.

0 upvotes in February

ComicallyBot Discord Bot Described:

Basically this is a bot that replaces every bot and combines it into just one...

Discord Verified Bot!

Let’s just say this bot does everything… including keep a conversation if you enable it’s autochat feature :slight_smile:

NOTICE: the _help command states at the bottom if you wish for any message sent by the bot to not be deleted, simply react with the stop sign emoji to the message: :octagonal_sign:

  • Create a Discord Text Channel named: “mod-logs

  • FOR: Logging moderator command uses.

  • Create a Discord Text Channel named: “member-logs

  • FOR: Logging member events (user join/leave) to log these events separately.

  • Create a Discord Text Channel named: “role-logs

  • FOR: Logging role events (user join/leave role) to log these events separately.

  • Create a Discord Text Channel named: “text-logs

  • FOR: Logging deleted messages (deleted via reaction delete) to log these messages separately.

  • Create a Discord Text Channel named: “reports

  • FOR: Logging reports from the _report command to log these reports separately.

NOTE: These channels are not required, HOWEVER, they are HIGHLY recommended, as mod command logs will just be sent to the channel they were used in.

NOTE: These channels require the bot to have at least:
view channel, send messages, embed links and mention permissions.


Moderators MUST be given permission to access moderation commands.

  • USE: _help to view help categories.

  • USE: _help {category} to view category commands, then _help {command} to view command information.

  • USE: _help {command} to view it’s permission requirements.

  • USE: _addmod {@role | roleID | @user | userID} to add a role/user to access mod commands.

Administrator commands can only be accessed by server administrators.

  • ALL Auto-Moderation will DEFAULT to disabled. To enable these tools USE:_help auto-moderation.

  • Added: Welcome messaging. USE: _help welcoming to view this.

  • Added: Autochat. USE: _help autochat

  • Added: Anti-Phishing. USE: _help auto-moderation

  • Added: Music Player reaction controls

  • Added: Moderator message delete via reaction with logging

  • Slash commands!

  • Replace all reaction controls with buttons

  • Update user rank card and allow per-server/user custom banner images

  • Forum and Thread management

  • Moderator support tickets

  • A Voice Channel to create a new personal Voice Channel with user control of Channel Name, Permissions, etc.

  • And much more to come!

NOTE: Any further ideas, suggestions or bugs found, are encouraged to be brought up in the Support Server, or by contacting the bot creator!

As well, ComicallyBot is always looking for new developers looking to contribute/help with the project!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add ComicallyBot Discord Bot to my server?

You can add ComicallyBot to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add ComicallyBot Discord Bot' on this page.

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