Logo for Pingas Bot

Upvote Pingas Bot

A multipurpose bot hat can do almost everything: moderation, reddit, "fake nitro", economy, levelling, music, etc. And when pingas cant do a thing, just suggest it to @Maxoun#6969

Back to Pingas Bot
Welcome to pingas bot, the best bot ever, I guess.
Pingas bot has the most important features a bot can have - bans, trols, fake nitro, yahooing something - just the normal stuff. A loooot of people hate pingas trol mode, so there is one useful command: :pingas:disableFunnyPingas. Oh, and i forgot to mention pingas is not case sensitive!

We have:

  • The best prefix ever: every emote that contains the word “pingas” is a prefix. Some emotes like :sagnip: are also acceptable
  • An economy: Check your balgraph, or stonks graph. Stonks price goes up and down, almost totally random. Get rupees with :pingas: getrupees, and you can convert 100 rupees to dripcoins.You can also trade rupees or dripcoins with other users!
  • Moderation: Use :pingas:warn (user) (reason) to warn someone, use :pingas: kick (user) to kick someone, use pingas:ban (user) to ban someone. And use :pingas:mute (user) (minutes)
  • Leveling: A simple leveling system with autoroles.
  • Misc commands: You can use :pingas:math (equation), or maybe do :pingas: tictactoe. You can also play rock paper scissor by using :pingas: rps rock/paper/scissor. Maybe check your warns with :pingas: warns (user). Or use :pingas:dice.
  • Internet stuff: Use :pingas: yahoo to search something, sadly google blocked the bot, so we had to use yahoo. Or check today’s top posts on a subreddit by using :pingas:r/ (subreddit name). Or use :pingas: define (word) to look a word on urbandictionary.
  • Music: Use :pingas:play (music name or link) to play a song, if you’re an admin, you can use :pingas:clear to clear the queue (when pingas music breaks, you have to use :pingas:clear). Use :pingas:skip too skip a song.
  • Emote stuff: Probably the most original feature, you just do :pingas:emotes someRandomEmoteName and pingas will send the emote. I recommend uncommon emote names, because pingas sometimes gets the emote from another server

Well, now that you have some basic stuff, invite the bot and use :pingas:helpmod to setup pingas.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.