A general purpose bot designed for you to have fun with your guildmates with a few moderation tools included.
New commands are constantly being added, if you have any suggestions or bug reports join our support server.
Run $help to get a more detailed overview of the commands
Current commands:
8b [question] - Ask the 8 ball a question
avatar <@user> - Get the avatar of a user
ban <@user> - Ban a user (must have perms)
kick <@user> - Kick a user (must have perms)
convert <unit> <from> <to> - Convert units
define <word> - Get the definition of a word
defineud <word> - Get the urban dictionary definition of a word
displayhex <hexcode> - Display the colour of a hex code
flip - Flip a coin
react <word> - React to the previous message with word, (duplicate characters won’t display)
roll <min> <max> - Roll a dice
servericon - Get the current server’s icon
setprefix <prefix> - Set a custom prefix for this server (ADMIN only)
ship - Ship two users (will attempt to merge their names)
rps <rock|paper|scissors> - Play rock paper scissors against the bot
beepboop - beepboop
whatsmypeanut - Check your peanut level
whatstheirpeanut <@user> - Check another user’s peanut level
cat - Get a random cat image from /r/cats
google <search> - LMGTFY a search query
askgooglenotme - LMGTFY the previous message
mock - Mock the previous message
deepfry - Deepfry the previous message if it is an image
panfry - Deepfry but lighter
char - Ultra deepfry
burn - Ultra ultra char
shrimp - shrimp