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Are you having difficulty in choosing what Pokemon to use in gym raids and Trainer battle? Then Pokepedia is the best bot to use.

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Get brief info about a specific type of pokemon using the bot. It also generates images of the pokemon by name as well as number. Play TicTacToe, magic 8ball and RockPaperScissors.

Prefix : ++
Commands : ++help (for all commands)

List of all command :

For invoking all the above commands use: ++all

For image search : ++s {number} | ++name {name of pokemon}

Play TicTacToe | ++tictactoe @mentionPlayer1 @mentionPlayer2

Play Magic 8 ball | Try ++8ball <question>

Play Rock Paper Scissor | Try ++rps<rock or paper or scissor>

To know a fun random pokemon fact try: ++fact or ++f

For giff lovers try : ++giff

It’s an open-source bot anyone can make contributions to the bot with their knowledge of Pokemons check out GitHub Respository

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.