Poll Please
A simple poll solution for your server using the power of emojis and embeding!
use prefix "plz "
poll <question> - creates a poll editor with a simple instructions to follow
ping - checks bot client latency
help - shows help for bot
inv\invite - invite me to your server
Bring some democracy for your citizens!
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
A simple poll solution for your server using the power of emojis and embeding!
Just use magic word to get your poll in front of your eyes!
Commandsuse prefix "plz "
poll <question> - creates a poll editor with a simple instructions to follow
ping - checks bot client latency
help - shows help for bot
inv\invite - invite me to your server
Bring some democracy for your citizens!
type: plz poll <question> on the chat
then type first answer (without prefix)
bot will ask you if you want to post poll now / cancel it if neither of those just write next answer again!
Limitations:Maximum of 19 answers,
Ping command (for people with Manage_messages permission),
poll command (for everyone)
help (for everyone)
Why bot uses administrator permissions??- A lot of poeple have this “verification bots” etc. For bot to be always on chats/admin chats etc. I just gived him aministrator permissions.