Logo for PopBot

Upvote PopBot

A multipurpose bot with powerful server invite moderation.

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⤙ Do you require a bot with great invite moderation features, per server status management and many other interesting features? ⤚

Look no further than PopBot!


‣ Auto-moderation for posting Discord invite links (Whitelist or blacklist invites) and invalid invites.

‣ Log information on a Discord invite link posted in your server, ideal for advertising/listing servers.

‣ Reaction roles and auto roles (Roles automatically given to new members when they join).

‣ Suggestion feature with the ability to accept or deny a suggestion and close voting on it.

‣ Auto-reasons. When setup converts short reasons you choose used in moderation commands such as r1 into full length reasons: Did a bad thing and broke #rules 1..

‣ An embed status system for members to show their current activity in your server. (Great for Staff teams or Gaming groups).

‣ Auto-posting messages that will post repeatedly on a timer.

‣ A full suite of moderation commands with moderation logging.

‣ Mass role command with the ability to target everyone, bots, humans or members within a role.

And many more features to come in the future, including more auto-moderation, levelling and fun/game commands!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.