Prefix ~
~play URL Play music through powerbot ~_8ball args Play Majic 8ball replace args with your question
~helpme To see all help options for members
To see the about info of PowerBot
To get the invite link to the PowerBot To join your server
To have the PowerBot flip a coin for you
To have the PowerBot roll a dice for you
To get the donate link to help out the Developers of PowerBot and TwilightNetwork
To see all the games avalible
~guessnum < arg >
to have the PowerBot pick a random number from a range you give it by replacing arg with the highest number possible
To see all memes do ~meme help to see all avalible options
To get the ping to the Server you are on
~reportbug args
To report any bugs that exist with TwilightNetwork or PowerBot replace args with the bug
To play Rock Paper Sissors with the PowerBot replace arg with the option you want
To see personal server status
To see the status of the PowerBot
To get the support link of the PowerBot
~suggest args
To suggest a feature for TwilightNetwork or PowerBot replace args with your suggestion
To see recent updates done to the PowerBot
To see how long the PowerBot has been online for
To play Would you rather with the PowerBot
~jfgi or ~JustFuckingGoogleIt
For Dumb people a website for them to google it
To see the Admin Help menu
~announce args
To announce something while tagging everyone replace args with your announcement
~announce_w args
To announce something without tagging everyone replace args with your announcement
~ban user
To ban a user replace user with the user you want to ban
Prefix ~
Commands 2
~kick user To kick a user replace user with the user you want to kick
~mute user args
To mute a user by replacing user with who you want to mute and replace args with the reasoning
~nick user args
To add a nickname to a user by replacing user with the user and replace args with the reason
~react args
To create a reaction message by replacing args with the message
~remove_nick user
To remove a nickname from a user by replacing user with the user you want to remove the nickname from
~remove_role user
To remove a role from a user by replacing user with the user and replace with the role you want to remove
~request_b args
For TwilightNetwork Staff Members Only
~role user arg
To add a role to a user by replacing user with the user and replace arg with the role
~settle user1 user2
To settle a conversation by replacing and with the users in the argument
~unmute user
To unmute {author} by replacing user with the user you want to remove the mute from
~vote args
To create a Vote that tags everyone by replacing args with the vote description/message
~vote_w args
To create a vote without tagging everyone by replacing args with the vote description/message
~warn user args
To warn a user for something by replacing user with the user you want to warn and replace args with the reason of the warn
Bot Created By: -{ Power1482 }-#0101

PowerBot Discord Bot
Invite PowerBot Bot to your Discord server and use its Moderation and Welcome commands. Enjoy Music and Announcements with PowerBot Discord Bot.
0 upvotes in FebruaryPowerBot Discord Bot Described:
A Discord bot in over 50 servers that has the ability to do many moderation commands and welcome messages. It also can do announcements. This bot also allows music to be playedFrequently Asked Questions
How do I add PowerBot Discord Bot to my server?
You can add PowerBot to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add PowerBot Discord Bot' on this page.More Discord Bots

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