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ProBot ✨ Commands

Discover the full list of ProBot ✨ commands with this guide. Easily navigate through the ProBot ✨ Bot commands list and find the perfect one for your needs.

View ProBot ✨ Discord Bot

Here are the Commands for ProBot ✨ Bot:
  • /ping - Test the bots response time.
  • /daily - Get the daily reward link and know when you can claim it again.
  • /help command - Feeling lost?
  • /server - Displays information about the server.
  • /roll dice - rolling dice.
  • /invite - Looking for the bot invite link?
  • /title new_title - Changes your title in `/profile` command.
  • /slowmode time - Enable or disable slowmode on a channel.
  • /short url - Shortens a URL.
  • /roles - Get a list of server roles and member counts.
  • /avatar user - Displays your avatar or someone else's avatar.
  • /credits user amount comment - Shows your or someone's balance or transfer credits for someone
  • /profile user - View your or someone else's customizable personal global profile card.
  • /rank user - View your rank card or someone else's in the server.
  • /user user - Displays information about yourself or another user, such as ID and join date.
  • /top type duration page role - Displays the most active members on the server
  • /moveme input - Moves you to another voice channel.
  • /color number_of_color - Changes your color in the server
  • /colors - Lists you all the available colors.
  • /points increase user points - Increase additional points.
  • /points decrease user points - Decrease points from a user.
  • /points set user points - Set points to a specific amount.
  • /points reset user - Resets the points of all the members or a specific user.
  • /points list filter page - Show all members points.
  • /move user user channel - Moves a member to another voice channel.
  • /move all channel - Moves all members to the voice channel to which you are currently connected
  • /warnings user page - Get a list of warnings for the server or a user.
  • /warn_remove input - Removes warnings from all members or specific user.
  • /warn user reason - ⚠️ Warns a member.
  • /setnick user new_nick - Changes a member's nickname.
  • /ban user time reason bulk - Bans a member.
  • /timeout user time reason - ⏱️ Timeout a user from sending messages, react or join voice channels.
  • /unban input - Unbans a member.
  • /untimeout user - Remove timeout from a user
  • /mute text user time reason bulk - Mute a member from text channels so they cannot type
  • /mute voice user time reason bulk - Mute a member from voice channels so they cannot speak
  • /unmute text user - Unmutes a member from text channels
  • /unmute voice user - Unmutes a member from voice channels
  • /kick user reason - Kicks a member.
  • /vkick user - Kicks a member from a voice channel
  • /lock channel reason - 🔒 Disables @everyone from sending messages in specific channel.
  • /unlock channel - 🔓 Allows @everyone to send messages in specific channel.
  • /clear number_of_messages filter_by_user filter_by_role filter_by_bots - Cleans messages from a channel.
  • /temp on - turn on temporary channels.
  • /temp off - turn off temporary channels.
  • /temp time seconds - Time to delete the temp channel in seconds.
  • /temp max number - Max channels user can create at the same time.
  • /role give user role bulk - Gives a role to a user.
  • /role remove user role bulk - Removes a role from a user.
  • /role multiple give_or_remove role pick_type required_role - Give / remove multiple users from a role.
  • /setcolor role hex_code - Changes role's colors by hex codes.
  • /setlang language - Sets your preferred language for the bot.
  • /reset type target - Reset text/voice/invites/limits xp points for all or specific member.
  • /vip move number - Move your premium bot to a new server.
  • /vip transfer number user - Transfer ownership of your premium bot to another user.
  • /setxp user type xp - Sets the user's xp
  • /setlevel user type level - Sets the user's level
  • /vote - Get the vote link and see when you can vote again
  • /rep user - Award someone a reputation point.