Proxy is a upcoming and growing bot that is very useful to keep your server proteted mainly, Proxy was made by 2 developers which is Jinx,Sirus.
Proxy has whitelisting for people who you trust and will want to be able to bypass Proxy anti nuke.
Proxy also has fun,music,information,moderation, and misc commands which most are public is other users in the server.
Proxy is 24/7 hosted and is a Public bot.
Proxy Developers and Support team is always here and active if you have any issues while using the bot.
Commands For Fun : kiss, hug, slap, cuddle, pet, and feed
Commands For Music : play, nowplaying, q/queue, pause, resume
Commands For Whitelist for Protection feature : whitelist, dewhitelist
Commands For Admin : ban, kick, mute, unmute, unbanall
Commands For Misc : av/avatar/pfp, serverinfo, serverpfp/servericon/guildpfp, serverbanner, ping, purge, snipe(Getting Fixed again)
Finally if you do ;;info it shows the bots Global all together servers and Global members the bot is Providing service with.