Pulse Discord Bot Logo

Pulse Discord Bot

Invite Pulse Bot to your server and enjoy the best music commands. Get the best quality music with Pulse Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in October

Pulse Discord Bot Described:

Pulse provides the best quality music for your discord server.
Providing the best quality music

Easy commands
No audio lag
Ensures quick responses
99% uptimes

Help command:


Playing music:


== p!clear
Clears the current queue.
== p!config
Set the guild’s config.
== p!guess
Play’s a random song from a pre-loaded playlist to be guessed.
== p!help
Displays a list of commands for this bot.
== p!info
Info and important links about Pulse.
== p!lyrics
Finds the requested lyrics.
== p!nowplaying
Displays what the bot is currently playing.
== p!pause
Makes the bot pause/resume the music currently playing.
== p!ping
Get the client’s latency.
== p!play
Choose a song/playlist or search for a song from YouTube to add to the song queue.
== p!queue
Displays what the current queue is.
== p!station
Choose a station to add to the song queue.
== p!repeat
Makes the bot repeat/stop repeating the player.
== p!seek
Seeks to the position in the song.
== p!shuffle
Shuffles the queue.
== p!skip
Skips the song currently playing.
== p!stats
Displays the current statistics of Pulse.
== p!stop
Ends the queue and disconnects from the voice channel.
== p!volume
Adjusts the volume of the bot.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Pulse Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Pulse to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Pulse Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: p! (customizable)
Servers: 51.5K
Users: unknown
Created by: Proximitynow#0001