This bot is mainly used for utility purposes but also has some fun features. (like the “!add_roles” and “!!remove_roles” commands)
Here is the current list of commands (I update this each time a new command comes out):- “!!python_help” = Returns all of the commands and what they do.
- “!!;)” = ;).
- “!!add_roles” = Adds roles to multiple users, there can be muliple users and multiple roles. When you use this command do not type drakeerv_user TEST_role, type @drakeerv_user @TEST_role. (admin only).
- “!!remove_roles” = Removes roles from multiple users, there can be multiple users and multiple roles. When you use this command do not type drakeerv_user TEST_role, type @drakeerv_user @TEST_role. (admin only).
- “!!email” = Sends a email (currently for everyone but if problems occur then will be admin only).
- “!!ping” = Returns the ping to the server.
- “!!spam” = Spams sombody with @ (admin only).
- “!!time” = Returns the current time.
- “!!times_used” = Returns how many times the bot has been used since last reboot.
- “!!version” = Returns the current version of the bot.
- “!!wiki” = Returns a random wikipedia article.
I am currently rewriting all of the code to make the bot more user fraindly, I am also constanlty updating this bot. Please send me a email of any bugs you may find. Please consider being a beta tester and invite this bot to your server! Here is the link:
Here: Link
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Here is my github page!Here is my youtube channel!
contact me at for any questions or suggestions.