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This is a general development tool bot that developers can use to improve there speed and workflow

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Discord Library status Uptime

Command Results Permissions
help Gives a list of commands None
help [command] Gives info on a specific command None
npm Search for a NPM package None
shortlink [link] Shorten a link None
hastebin [text/code] sends all the provided text/code to an online document None
code [link] Generates a QR code None
decode [Attach/upload QR code] decodes the uploaded QR code, Must be PNG, JPG, JPEG or GIF None
sinvite generates an invite link and qr code for you’re server/guild None
binvite generates an invite link and qr code for this bot None
qrsupport generates an invite link and qr code the bots official support server None
suggest users can send suggestions to the bot dev or ask for new features None
report users can send a bug report to the bot dev None
news tells you the latest news and updated features for this bot None
stats sends basic information about the bot, uptime, users, servers, version etc None
ping shows you the Bot and API ping None
vote you can suppot this bot by voting for it None
reboot restarts the bot Bot Owner
reload [command] reloads specified command Bot Owner
qreval [code] command for testing code and scripts Bot Owner
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