Our bot aims to provide the easiest experience for users, We are working harder and harder to add more stations to our system, We have recently added YouTube URL Playback capability! Stream high quality YouTube music through the bot!
If you happen to own or are part or a radio station that wants to get listed Join our support server and open a ticket!
Its completely free!
This project has been in the works for 3 weeks before we decided to release. Why? because we want to make it the best that is around!
Do rhelp to see all servers currently hosted by our bot!
We decided to go for a more “Premium” host to allow us to stream to you without any compression (minus discords compression)
Do note, We take no responsibilty from the content streamed from these stations it is out with our control.
Stations that are added have all approved or have knowledge we are re-streaming their audio through discord and have no objections to such use.