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This a basically a Moderation Bot with many features. It has commands separated in categories e.g. moderation/info/utility etc. Bot will expand in future updates.

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Raiden is an advanced utility and management bot which is packed with features. It consists of Welcome Message, Ticket System, Auto Moderation, Warning Thresholds, Chatbot, Verification, Auto roles and many more

Trusted by 1,000,000+ Users

Raiden bot provides seamless experience. Unlike other bots, Raiden do not miss any timed update, whether it’s temporary channel lock, or a temporary ban, it’s always does its job on time. Raiden keeps permanently muted users muted even if they try to re-join.

Why to Choose Raiden?

Raiden provides insane level of service. Example for the same are highlighted below:

  • Role Management

    Grant/Remove multiple roles from a newly joined users after a certain number time or instantly [time is optional]. Auto Role module allows you to add or remove any role from a newly joined user. It also supports a time delay option; means you can add/remove any role after a certain amount of time.

    You can add a newly made role to @everyone, or all users or all bots in your server, with just one command.

  • Lock/Unlock Channel

    You can permanently/temporary lock a channel. Best part here is Raiden only allows Administrators to speak in a locked channel, don’t worry about the channel permission, it gets restored when you unlock the channel or bot unlocks it after temporary time ends.

  • Auto Moderation

    • Antispam: Raiden can protect your server from spammers. Its antispam module allows you to change the rate limit, ignore certain channels, ignore certain roles and have a log channel.

    • Antilink: Raiden can block users to send links in your server. Its antilink module allows you to whitelist/blacklist domains, ignore certain channels, ignore certain roles and have a log channel.

    • Antibadword: Raiden can stop censored words being used in your server. It can also detect censored words in Multiple Languages as well. It’s anti banned words module allows you to add censored words and strings, ignore certain channels, ignore certain roles and have a log channel.

    • Warn Thresholds: Raiden gives different punishments to users who crossed certain number of warnings. This module allows you to customize the thresholds according to your needs. Whenever a user crosses limit of any threshold, respective punishment will be given.

    • More Modules are under development and will be available soon

  • Economy [Under Development]

    Bot has its own global economy system, it’s a very small module and don’t have many commands.

    Developers are working to make a Server based Economy, which can be used to setup a guild badge/role system

  • Moderation

    Raiden has all types of necessary moderation commands. Muted person cannot bypass mute by re-joining the server, such users are not allowed to verify themselves unless they are unmute either by the bot (after time period ends) or by a command.

    Bot provides defined logs of each action and also provides some details in Discord’s Audit Logs as well.

  • Security

    Currently, Raiden has a verification system which verifies users by making them solve a simple math problem. This module allows you to add/remove multiple roles and get Logs for each verification result.

  • Auto Roles

    Grant/Remove multiple roles from a newly joined users after a certain number time or instantly [time is optional]. Auto Role module allows you to add or remove any role from a newly joined user. It also supports a time delay option; means you can add/remove any role after a certain amount of time.

  • Tickets

    Raiden ticket system allows your server member to easily contact the server management in any case. This module allows you to add Ticket Staff Roles, setup a separate ticket category where all tickets will be created, setup a closed tickets category where a closed tickets will be moved, create .txt transcripts and log them, and separate logs of every action.

  • Embed Building and Editing

    Raiden allows you to create a fully customized embeds for your needs and send them to any channel in your server either by the bot or by the custom webhook.

    Any sent embed can be edited later as well. You can use this feature to edit Verification and Ticket panel of the bot in your server. It also supports editing of embeds sent by custom webhooks.

  • Logging

    Raiden creates logs of verification and tickets, these loggings are managed in respective module.

    Raiden update logs, moderation logs, member join logs, member leave logs, ghost ping logs, message edit logs and message delete logs are supported by the bot.

  • Welcomer

    Welcome newly joined users with a customizable embeds and a customizable welcome card. Send separate message in dm’s. (From Autorole) Grant them a new role and remove the same after some time [can be in days].

    Welcome Embed supports all type of configurations whether it’s title or footer icon, we’ve got you covered. If card and embeds are enabled at the same time, card will appear inside the embed.

    Welcome Card supports 25+ fonts, font colors, customizable background image, separate heading, title and subtitle text. Card also supports naming of Arabic and fancy users.

  • Note from the Developers

    If you have any concern/question with the bot, join our support server and raise a query. We will love to hear your concerns and will try our best to rectify them as soon as possible.

    Bot receives new feature with time, so stay tuned with its updates.

    Some people say, ‘Bot is missing this and that’, for those users, kindly use /help command and see where the feature is located. In case you are facing any sort of trouble, join our support server and we would like to rectify your queries.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.