Logo for RainBOT

Upvote RainBOT

A bot designed to help start, manage, and moderate 2SLGBTQIA+ safe space servers.

Back to RainBOT
Prevent raids and trolling

RainBOT helps to prevent raiders and trolls from entering your server. Your new members can create a verification request. This will create a vetting thread where you can ask the user questions to decide whether or not to accept the request.


Report rule-breaking users

If a raider or troll ever joins your server, you can report them to warn other moderators. The number of reports a user has will be displayed when they create a verification request.



Try out new pronouns

You can use RainBOT to try new pronouns and see if they fit you. You can input the pronouns you would like to try, and it will generate one of many prompts. This works for singular and plural pronouns.


Set your pronouns (and more)

With RainBOT, you can set your pronouns, honorific(s), preferred gendered terms, gender, and sexuality/romanticism. People can view these fields, and you can create an introduction for yourself when first joining a server to introduce yourself to new members.


Vent anonymously

You can create anonymous vents with RainBOT. Only moderators will be able to see who made anonymous vents. You can choose to have people respond to your vents. You can also choose to add a trigger warning if your vent covers heavy subjects.



/help Get help with something.

/info Get information about me.

/source View my source code.

/support Join the support server.

/invite Invite me to your server.

/wiki Go to my wiki.

/bio create Create a bio field.

/bio edit Edit a bio field.

/bio delete Delete a bio field.

/bio get View a user’s bio.

View Bio This is a user context menu.

/cw info Learn more about content warnings.

/cw create Create a censored content warning.

/hotlines Get a list of hotlines.

/identities define Define a 2SLGBTQIA+ identity.

/purge Delete multiple messages at once.

/pronouns try Try new pronouns.

/pronouns random Get a random set of pronouns to try.

/report create Create a report.

/report revoke Remove a report.

/report list Get a list of reports for a user.

View Reports This is a user context menu.

/server register Create a server account.

/server settings Manage the settings of your server account.

/server data Request your server data.

/tonetags info Learn more about tonetags.

/tonetags define Define a tonetag.

Find Tonetags This is a message context menu.

/user register Create a user account.

/user settings Manage the settings of your user account.

/user data Request your user data.

/vent Create a vent.

/verify Request verification for the member role.

/warn create Create a warning.

/warn revoke Remove a warning.

/warn list Get a list of warnings for a user.

View Warnings This is a user context menu.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.