Logo for Reminder

Upvote Reminder

A cool Reminder Bot that has interval reminders, onetime reminder/ timer & action reminders

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There are three kind of reminds:

  • Interval reminds (min. Interval 1h)
  • One time reminds (min. 1m)
  • Action reminders (This is new feature, it will set a timer on actions like reactions)

Interval Reminds:

  • You can set a specific channel, user/role ping, specific conten
    Two kinds of Setup options:
  • +interval set
  • +interval eset (This is a easy setup, where you have to overgive less parameter)

One time reminds / timer:

  • You can set a specific channel, user/role ping, specific conten
    Two kinds of Setup options:
  • +remindme set
  • +remindme eset <name> (This is a easy setup, where you have to overgive less parameter)

Action Reminder:

  • You can set a specific channel, user/role ping, specific message and your trigger.
    Two kinds of Setup options:
  • +action set

+help will provide you more info for a command

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.