Type rt!commands in a channel for all the commands
You can also ping Retro King for the prefix and the commands
[Moderation](/discord-moderation-bots) commands
rt!ban (user) (reason) - Ban someone
rt!kick (user) (reason) - Kick someone
rt!mute (user) - Mute someone
rt!unmute (user) - Unmute someone
rt!warn (user) (reason) - Warn someone
rt!warnings (user) - See all the warn(s) of a user
rt!clear (number) - Clear a number of message(s)
Support commands
rt!support - The support server
rt!creator - The creator of the bot and the server
rt!social - Social networks of the creator
rt!website - The website of Retro King
rt!vote - Vote for Retro King on top.gg
rt!twitter - The official twitter of King Developement
Information commands
rt!server - Full server information
rt!members - Number of member(s) in the server
rt!servericon - The server icon
rt!icon - Your icon
rt!owner - The owner of the server
Funny commands
rt!search meme - Meme command (imgur)
rt!search (category picture name) - Search a picture (imgur)
rt!king - The king of the server
rt!me - Who are you ?
rt!pepe - Generate random pepe/peepo picture
rt!say (message) - make the bot say what you want
rt!translate (language to translate) (message) - Translate a message
rt!top - A top 10 of the most cool bot on discord
rt!rickroll - You have been rick rolled
rt!ok - Just ok
rt!bruh - Just bruh
rt!cool - Are you cool or no ?
rt!tableflip - Flip the table
rt!unflip - Unflip the table
Other commands
rt!ping - The ping of the server and bot
rt!twitch (twitch channel) - Search a twitch channel
rt!youtube (video name) - Search a youtube video
rt!suggest (suggestion) - Suggest something
rt!invite - The invite to add retro king on server(s)
rt!tos - Discord ToS
rt!pfp - Want the same pfp of Retro King ?
rt!about - About Retro King
rt!verify - When Retro King gonna be verified ?
rt!music - If the music command is disabled / enabled
rt!urban [word] - Search a definition of a word on urban
rt!goal - The goal of Retro King
rt!cool - Are you cool or no ?
rt!badge - Badge list (information)
rt!memeslist - Memes list to create a meme
rt!creatememe (#id) text1, text2 - Create a meme
rt!premium - Want to buy Retro King premium ?
rt!status (new status) - change the status of Retro King (premium user only)
Auto moderation
Delete automatically n word message [ignore admin - bot]
Thanks for using Retro King !