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Robertify Frequently Asked Questions

Discover the full list of Frequently Asked Questions for the Robertify Discord Bot with this guide. Easily navigate through the FAQs and find the perfect answer to your needs.

Robertify is a music bot with a multitude of features that will fit your liking!

View Robertify Discord Bot

How do I start playing music?

You cvan easily start playing music by doing “play <song>”. Where the song is either al ink to a YouTube/Spotify/Soundcloud or any other supported steaming platform, or just the name of the song

How can I play my local audio file?

You can play MP3, OGG, M4A, WAV and FLAC files by using the command “play file” with the file attached to the message.

Is there an interactive menu I could use?

Yes, there is a beatiful GUI to control most of the features of the bot. To set this up you can run the “setup” command and you will see a new channel created called “#robertify-requests”.

How do I really use the interactive menu?

The meaning for all the buttons can be found at the top of the channel. If you would like to add a new song to the queue all you have to do is type the name of the song or the link of the song in the channel. Regular commands can still be run in the channel too.