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RoWhoIs Commands

Discover the full list of RoWhoIs commands with this guide. Easily navigate through the RoWhoIs Bot commands list and find the perfect one for your needs.

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Here are the Commands for RoWhoIs Bot:
  • /help - Displays a list of commands RoWhoIs has.
  • /whois - Get detailed profile information from a User ID/Username.
  • /clothingtexture - Retrieves the texture file for a 2D clothing asset.
  • /userid - Get a User ID based off a username.
  • /username - Get a username based off a User ID.
  • /ownsitem - Retrieve whether a user owns an item or not. Works with players who have a private inventory.
  • /ownsbadge - Retrieve whether a user owns a badge or not. Works with players who have a private inventory.
  • /isfriendswith - Check if two players are friended.
  • /group - Get detailed group information from a Group ID.
  • /isingroup - Check if a player is in the specified group.
  • /limited - Returns a limited ID, the rap, and value of the specified limited.
  • /itemdetails - Returns details about a catalog item.
  • /membership - Check if a player has Premium or has had Builders Club.
  • /checkusername - Check if a username is available.
  • /robloxbadges - Shows what Roblox badges a player has