RoyalGuard Discord Bot Logo

RoyalGuard Discord Bot

Invite RoyalGuard Bot to your server and enjoy its swift and easy administration commands. Get started with RoyalGuard Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in February

RoyalGuard Discord Bot Described:

A bot focused on nothing but swift and easy administration of your server.
Invite Link

Invite the bot here!


This is a discord bot focused on one thing, Administration. Many bots provide an all-in-one experience along with administration services. However, I’ve found that these bots tend to lack on the administrative side of things. I decided to make my own bot that allows server administration as minimal and swift as possible.

Feature List

These are summaries of the current features of the bot, new ones will be added as new versions are released:

  • Ping: Prints “Pong!”. Quick and easy way to see if the bot’s online.
  • Bans: Used for banning and unbanning a user. Unbans can either be done by Discord user ID or by mention.
  • Warnings: Formally warns a user in the server. Is considered the lesser form of a ban. After three warnings, the user is banned from the server and is unbanned at the admin’s discretion.
  • Mutes: Assigns a bot-created role to the user which doesn’t allow typing in text channels or reading message history, but the user can still see the channels. These mutes can be timed if a provided time is given in w, d, h, m, or s. The user will be automatically muted and unmuted once the timer expires.
  • Custom welcome/leave messages and roles: Auto-gives roles on a new member and/or can send a message when a new member enters/leaves the server.
  • Purging: Purging: Removes up to 100 messages (under 2 weeks old) when given a message ID to start from or the amount of messages to delete before the command.
  • Custom prefixes: If the server owner has a bot that uses a certain prefix, RoyalGuard can easily use a different prefix for your server.
  • Data Recovery: If the server owner accidentally kicks the bot, your data isn’t gone! It stays in the database for a week since the kick and clears if you re-add the bot!
  • Emergency Mention: If the server owner makes a bot-conflicting prefix, the bot can be mentioned to get the current prefix, to reset the prefix, or to change the prefix to something else.
  • Configurable moderator role: Ambiguous moderation permissions have you confused? RoyalGuard allows you to configure which mod role to use and even tells you which permissions you need!
  • Reaction roles: Configurable reaction roles that are either accomplished in one command or a setup wizard. If the admin deletes the message/removes all reactions, the roles are also gone.
  • A help command that doesn’t suck: Typing help gives a list of subcommands. From there, you can get the help per command. If you have any more questions, please join the support server.
Planned Features

Here are some of the planned features for later releases:

  • Adaptive purging: Manually purge messages if they aren’t able to be bulk deleted.
  • Pretty audit logging: Configure a channel where the server can see who edits what, what roles are deleted, etc.
Getting started

The default bot prefix is !

After inviting the bot, make sure to put the role below admin roles, but above all member roles! This allows the bot to function properly! If you want to mute someone, put the generated “muted” role below RoyalGuard’s role.
!help will list out all possible commands for you to explore. If you need more help when getting started, join the support server and feel free to ask the developer.

Open Source

This bot’s source is listed on the Github. Feel free to fork it and run it by yourself and make sure to follow the README!

Further Help and Support

The !support command lists out all avenues for help.

Developer Discord: kingbri#6666

Open an issue on Github

Join the support server here (get the king-updates role to access the channel):

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add RoyalGuard Discord Bot to my server?

You can add RoyalGuard to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add RoyalGuard Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: !
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: kingbri#6666