Have you ever dreamed of finding a discord bot with everything you need? Wonderful, you are on the right page, because Renzo bot is the right choice with additions you can’t imagine
RustyBot commands:
.gabout - shows info about the bot
.ginvite - shows how to invite the bot
.gping - checks the bot’s latency
.gprefix <New Prefix> - set new prefix for your server
.gset-role <Role Mention> - set role for makes giveaways
.gstart <time> [winners] [prize] - starts a giveaway
.gend [message id] - ends (picks a winner for) the specified or latest giveaway in the current channel
.greroll [message id] - re-rolls the specified or latest giveaway in the current channel
Do not include <> nor [] - <> means required and [] means optional.
For additional help, join the support server