List of commands:
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
- help - Gives a list of user-based commands
- help-moderation - Gives a list of moderation-based commands
- ping - Gives the bots ping
- info - Gives the bots info
- serverinfo - Gives the info of the server that the command is typed in
- uptime - Gives the bots uptime
- avatar - Gives the selected users avatar
- bugreport - Will send a bugreport to the bot developer (Has a blacklist function if spammed/abused)
- userinfo - Gives the user info of the selected user
- mute - Mutes the speciifed user with the specified reason
- unmute - unmutes the specified user
- kick - Kicks the specified user with the specified reason
- ban - Bans the specififed user with the specified reason
- purge - Purges the specified amount of messages
- addrole - Adds a specified role to a specified person
- removerole - Removes a specified role from a specified person
- announce - Makes an announcement (Requires a channel named announcements)
- status - Allows bot developer to change the bot status