- S H I E L D bot is a simple form of bot that performs some basic commands of fun as well as moderation. Some basic commands performed by the bot are as follows:
/ping : Gives the ping of the bot. [for admins only]
/botinfo : Gives the bot’s basic information.
/servericon : Provides the icon pfp of the server in which the command is triggered.
/link : Permanent link for the main server of the bot.
/meme : Appends a random meme.
/tds : Chooses between Truth, Dare and Situation.
/toss : Tosses between a Head and a Tail.
/roll : Rolls the dice and gives a number from 1 to 6.
/whois {@user} : Provides the basic info of the mentioned user.
/mute {@user} : Mutes the mentioned user.
/kick {@user} : Kicks the mentioned user from the server. Sends a private message to the kicked user.
/ban {@user} : Bans the mentioned user from the server. Sends a private message to the banned user.
Many more commands are being introduced and set up for the better functioning of the bot.