Logo for Saitama

Upvote Saitama

This bot is cool and awsome and I developed it from the inspiration from well known anime named saitama. It has main function of moderation, utility, fun, info and chat-bot. I will add music

Back to Saitama


| ban | kick | purge |


| say | embed | imgsay | Fun

| meme | hack |


| userinfo | serverinfo | membercount | ping |


| chatbot-set | chatbot-disable |


| coming soon… |

Siatama’s commands

| users | server | uptime | invite | botinfo |

InviteMe || SupportServer

This are its main functions. Its functions are divides in 7 category and having cool commands. I Will add music commands soon.

Prefix , help command ,help

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.