Logo for Sasaki

Upvote Sasaki

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The Sasaki Commandlist:

Mod commands:
ban, echo, kick, purge, prefix, warn

Info commands:
bot, channel, help, image, invite, ping, server, user, version, vote

Fun commands:
alarm, amazing, baka, bite, blush, blyat, coffee, confused, cry, cuddle, cute, dance, destroy, die, dodge, error, facedesk, facepalm, fbi, fightme, fuckyou, happy, highfive, hug, kill, kiss, laugh, lick, load, lonely, love, mad, nom, nothanks, ok, pat, poke, pout, puke, punch, purr, run, scream, shocked, shoot, shrug, slap, sleepy, smile, smoke, smug, spin, stare, stone, tickle, trap, uwu, wave, wiggle, yeet

Game commands:
choose, coinflip, minesweeper, usermeme, ship, yesno, 8ball

Random commands:
anime, animeme, aww, bunnygirl, cat, cosplay, dog, dumb, earth, foxgirl, goose, kemonomimi, loli, meme, nekogirl, pusheen, wallpaper

NSFW commands:
these commands can only be seen in a nsfw channel

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.